Dads GP is a good old girl, Dads local pharmacy are now working as they should .... :rolleyes:

The Pharmacist at the GP surgery is a total and utter fecking tool of the First Order ...

GP phones me at work, s'ok, I'm good with that ... says 'Dads levothyroxine is to be reduced in dosage down from 100 micrograms to 75 micrograms' ... sure says me, 'when from ? ... 'tomorrow' says GP, she'll fax the new scrip thru to the pharmacy ... Great I thinks ...

Get there today to pick up noo filled scrip to find the scrip faxed thru says '75 micrograms, two tabs per day' ... now I'm not clever but I know 2 x 75 is more than 1 x 75 ... so I says 'thats wrong' ... Pharmacist looks at me and says 'why?' ...

I tell him what GP said, and say I'll go to Surgery to make sure which way is up ....

Later ...

GP Pharmacist says 'you can give him one tab per day, I'll change the scrip and the next renewal', which is in a month ...

What the fecking feck are we doing with this NHS, I'm fecking sure that is illegal somewhere ...

What would happen if I'm on holiday and the carers have to dose the meds ?

Morning folks :)

We had a day of nothing yesterday as we went to lunch with some friends 1:30pm by the time we had finished it was 5pm. Was nice sat outside catching up:).

Got home and it started to rain a bit, then about 8pm it chucked it down which was nice, cleared the air.
Nice and sunny this am, I am on my second cuppa looking at the pool think I may have to go check its temp:). We had topped it up 2 tiles(15mm tiles) worth on Monday think it is gonna need some more over the weekend.

Dont work to hard folks you dont want to wear yourself out for the weekend fun:).

I new I was right that's a fair bit of evaporation don't the cover stop it or with it on will it get to hot?
Post arrived from Ingerland!
(Tis like living in Stalag Luft 3 1/2 sometimes.)
So Dottir has been too busy to go to our place often enough.:rolleyes:
W finds massive problem with credit card payments down to her flipping bank, well OUR flipping bank. They sent two identical payments to one card owner. :mad: :mad: :mad:
So we eneded up owing two late payment fees, reduced CC limit etc. She's sorted it now hopefully. Thank the Lord phone calls to the UK are free from our place here.
I also got my copy of Pitstop, the Marlin Owners mag and decided to get involved with their website and Farcebook pages.
I AM a glutton for punishment!
Suns out now. Off to the docs yet again, this time for me. To get a note to take to a dermatologist.
Enjoy the rest of your day!!!
I new I was right that's a fair bit of evaporation don't the cover stop it or with it on will it get to hot?

Yeah its a sort of catch 22.
cover has been off for a week now as it had got to 32, its now hovering around 28-30, because its so hot, if the cover was on it would help stop alot of the evaporation but it would be mid 30s.
Have also to remember that as its used more you drag more water out, its not a large amount but it adds up when there's 2 of you doing it 2-3 times a day.

Still its an issue we can put up with :) :) .

Post arrived from Ingerland!
(Tis like living in Stalag Luft 3 1/2 sometimes.)
So Dottir has been too busy to go to our place often enough.:rolleyes:
W finds massive problem with credit card payments down to her flipping bank, well OUR flipping bank. They sent two identical payments to one card owner. :mad: :mad: :mad:
So we eneded up owing two late payment fees, reduced CC limit etc. She's sorted it now hopefully. Thank the Lord phone calls to the UK are free from our place here.
I also got my copy of Pitstop, the Marlin Owners mag and decided to get involved with their website and Farcebook pages.
I AM a glutton for punishment!
Suns out now. Off to the docs yet again, this time for me. To get a note to take to a dermatologist.
Enjoy the rest of your day!!!
What a bummer we used to have all that sh--t when doing 6 and 6 but not now since cutting most of the ties but I know the stress you are going or have been through.and it really f----ks your time up in France and at our age stress is a bad thing just started to thunder hopefully some rain
Yeah its a sort of catch 22.
cover has been off for a week now as it had got to 32, its now hovering around 28-30, because its so hot, if the cover was on it would help stop alot of the evaporation but it would be mid 30s.
Have also to remember that as its used more you drag more water out, its not a large amount but it adds up when there's 2 of you doing it 2-3 times a day.

Still its an issue we can put up with :) :) .

I see but I do agree 30 is to hot for a pool be more like having a bath and not refreshing
What a bummer we used to have all that sh--t when doing 6 and 6 but not now since cutting most of the ties but I know the stress you are going or have been through.and it really f----ks your time up in France and at our age stress is a bad thing just started to thunder hopefully some rain
On the stress barometer this is quite low down. Especially at the mo. Me having a lump on my head and having to go and see a dermatologist is exercising my stress levels a bit higher!
All I can say is that when I press on it, it hurts, so I think it is an infected something or other rather than the big C. But as you do in Frogland I showed it to a pair of pharmacists first and they said "go see a dermatologue" so went to to docs yessdi to order a letter for one, went to pick it up just now. Flipping centre of town all blocked off for the "Rallye des Montagnes" so had to weave around like a weaver bird to get to the docs surgery. Anyway, letter got so now have to ring for an appt. :rolleyes: Still, it being Frogland I'll be seen pretty quick I suppose.

All good fun!!:):):)
On the stress barometer this is quite low down. Especially at the mo. Me having a lump on my head and having to go and see a dermatologist is exercising my stress levels a bit higher!
All I can say is that when I press on it, it hurts, so I think it is an infected something or other rather than the big C. But as you do in Frogland I showed it to a pair of pharmacists first and they said "go see a dermatologue" so went to to docs yessdi to order a letter for one, went to pick it up just now. Flipping centre of town all blocked off for the "Rallye des Montagnes" so had to weave around like a weaver bird to get to the docs surgery. Anyway, letter got so now have to ring for an appt. :rolleyes: Still, it being Frogland I'll be seen pretty quick I suppose.

All good fun!!:):):)

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