... that I was invaded by family and dinnertime got messed about.
Everyone got fed, but I had to do all the cooking (BBQ), wasn't expecting that at all.
It put me in a ratty mood a bit, but no harm done.
I like to be the host when I do the inviting. When people invite themselves and then expect me to run around doing all the work I get the hump.

On the plus side for today.
So, today was...
80 x 10 x 3
90 x 10 x 1
60 x 10 x 1

Why dont you have a gardening bbq invite at the MIL'S and lay out the tools and say food ready when your finished washed down with a cold beer of your choice cause your bringing it...
Ive found recently that everyone says they are coming so we buy enough food to feed a small nation then they dont turn up
& we've spent a load of cash catering for them, fkn boils my blood so ive had enough told the misses its finished im only buying
enough for us & if anyone else comes bring food & I will cook it other wise pizz off. 🤣🤣 Her face lol
Invited to a bbq on sunday today from a friend who we've not had a beer with for ages...asked what can we bring...answer "just youselves"...going to make a pear frangipane flan though cant go with nothing...
... that I was invaded by family and dinnertime got messed about.
Everyone got fed, but I had to do all the cooking (BBQ), wasn't expecting that at all.
It put me in a ratty mood a bit, but no harm done.
I like to be the host when I do the inviting. When people invite themselves and then expect me to run around doing all the work I get the hump.

On the plus side for today.
So, today was...
80 x 10 x 3
90 x 10 x 1
60 x 10 x 1

Don't we all especially if you have already Planed your day 😠😠
Invited to a bbq on sunday today from a friend who we've not had a beer with for ages...asked what can we bring...answer "just youselves"...going to make a pear frangipane flan though cant go with nothing...
Round ere, if you go to dinner, you bring a bottle or two and a plant often. But the first time I brought a bottle to a dinner, back in 1979, in Lille the host got most upset saying "Why did you bring this? Do you think I don't have good wine?" Me and my mate were covered with confusion explaining hurrriedly that that is what you do in the UK. He was OK in the end.

So only learned it is OK to do it round 'ere after a little while. And yes "Bringing dessert" is OK by arrangement in other parts of Frogland. Peeps round 'ere are a lot more laid back!!;)
Morning folks :)

We had a day of nothing yesterday as we went to lunch with some friends 1:30pm by the time we had finished it was 5pm. Was nice sat outside catching up:).

Got home and it started to rain a bit, then about 8pm it chucked it down which was nice, cleared the air.
Nice and sunny this am, I am on my second cuppa looking at the pool think I may have to go check its temp:). We had topped it up 2 tiles(15mm tiles) worth on Monday think it is gonna need some more over the weekend.

Dont work to hard folks you dont want to wear yourself out for the weekend fun:).

Cant believe it's Friday already
Off for a thirty mile drive for roofing stuff for my mate, needs it asap to finish a job before it chucks it down.
Had a shower in the night by the looks of it and the glass is dropping so we're in for some rain over the weekend.
stay safe all

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