A good few years ago I bought this very old bike from a theatrical props company in London.
I then spent a lot of money making it into something very special.
I think in all it cost me about £650 to complete.
After my hip replacement the advice was NOT to ride an upright bike because a fall could be catastrophic.
I've tried to sell it and everyone leaps at it as it's so pleasing to look at; they say "please yes hold it for me I will come and get it today".... and then phone up at the last minute and say they have decided not to go ahead.
Why do people do that, don't they know their own mind?
It's up on FB Moulton Classifieds and so far 3 people have pulled this stunt on me.
It is rather frustrating TBH.

Nice bit of kit I had a brooks saddles on my flying Scots bikes, superb quality. :)
Evening folks. How's everyone.
Hot and something that rhymes with "crackered".
That was last night.
This morning after a lousy night's sleep for some reason I am up and about quietly as W is still in bed.
Busy flipping day yessdi.
Apart from all the other stuff I did, W went to the physio and did some exercises that did her dodgy ankle no good at all, as it is paralysed with no sensation, but might have exercised her other leg, as if it needed it.:rolleyes:
Made chicken, mushroom and tarragon pie for dins, which was nice. Then fell asleep watching a vid, Inspector Linley :rolleyes:. Watched it twice now and have yet to stay awake for the end! (CIBA?)

This morning is overcast and cool. It is just drizzling.
The pool bubble wrap thing is on, it fitted perfickly. The instructions tell me not to keep it on once the water temp gets to 28, it raised the temp 1/2 a degree in 3 hours which is far faster that without, at this rate it'll be up to 28 in no time. It was at 25.5 last when I looked.

Hope it dries up just a bit, I've got to make a windy-up device to keep it on when not in use.
Have a nice day folks!!:):):):):)
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