When people ask me why Ive never had children is the same reason why they have never kept a rhino.
I just goggled "Spearmint Rhino" as there used to be one local to us in the UK.

Daren't put the link up.
Just daren't!!!:eek::eek::eek:

Mate of mine's son went out with one for a while. And he was only 18. Boy did he get some respect at college!!!:banana::banana::banana:

She was older than him obvs and sadly started stalking him when he tailed the relationship off, poor thing.:(:(:(
Done a bit of plastering in my time, needs must. It's not difficult and hardest bit is mixing and clearing up especially when you're on your own.
Going to get wall ready and then leave it until I get time, probably week after next when I've finished stuff on my list
Buidery ex s-i-l used to say "Spreads are born, not made" I wasn't born........one!
A good few years ago I bought this very old bike from a theatrical props company in London.
I then spent a lot of money making it into something very special.
I think in all it cost me about £650 to complete.
After my hip replacement the advice was NOT to ride an upright bike because a fall could be catastrophic.
I've tried to sell it and everyone leaps at it as it's so pleasing to look at; they say "please yes hold it for me I will come and get it today".... and then phone up at the last minute and say they have decided not to go ahead.
Why do people do that, don't they know their own mind?
It's up on FB Moulton Classifieds and so far 3 people have pulled this stunt on me.
It is rather frustrating TBH.

Looks very nice and well sorted.
Nice to see your Mrs nearly getting in on the action!!

It deserves to be sold!!
Best of luck!
Just had very heavy rain for 4 minutes then stopped. Measured 10mm.
I got up this morning to see patches of what looked like yellow stain on the patio. Went downt to the pool and they are there too stuck to the capping stones on the walls. not every where just in a few places.
Last year this happened only in red.
Twas said to be some sort of sand from Africa.
Right pain.
It can only have rained a tiny bit too.
Morning all
Grand daughter has her op today to put right what they messed up 17 months ago
Welding my project today if I can get it all lined up properly
Cloudy bright with showers forecasted
Think the summer's over here until August as usual, it'll be battering the oats and wheat flat again just before harvest :rolleyes:
Morning all
Grand daughter has her op today to put right what they messed up 17 months ago
Welding my project today if I can get it all lined up properly
Cloudy bright with showers forecasted
Think the summer's over here until August as usual, it'll be battering the oats and wheat flat again just before harvest :rolleyes:
Wish her good luck from me and W. W has had to have a couple of those "Fixit cos the other beggar messed up" ops. not funny.
Yeah well...you know...it was advertised as a Mozart concert...in period clothing.
They cheated tho, and did the standard Vienna encores....of the Strauss variety
I know Mozart is one of a lot of people's favourite composers, I find his stuff too "chocolat box top-y" and had to play quite a bit when I was in an orchestra for 4 years. Had to grit my teeth, behind the mouthpiece that wasn't easy!
Still hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you
Apparently there will be two surgeons in attendance this time
Going to be there when she wakes up if I can
Again, crossed fingers!
Wondering if one of them will be a plastic surgeon, as Pat had to have one of those to mend a mess-up.
So one to do the welding and bolting together, another to do the sanding and finishing!

She'll prolly wake up in "recovery" so you'll prolly see her just after.
I know Mozart is one of a lot of people's favourite composers, I find his stuff too "chocolat box top-y" and had to play quite a bit when I was in an orchestra for 4 years. Had to grit my teeth, behind the mouthpiece that wasn't easy!
Still hope you enjoyed it.
Yeah, I get that. The "lollipops" are ok as far as they go, but there are better pieces out there.
This was more about the Hall and the Experience than the music

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