Nope, Rangemaster 90, dual-fuel, 2 side-by-side ovens.
The best cooker we have ever had by far. :D
If anyone gives a monkey's ours is a Belling countrychef. 2 ovens, one fan, separate grill, 8 rings as you already know and splashback and hood matching. Dual fuel and came witht he jets for bottled gas. Bought one Boxing day on-line from 3 different places, doing that each bit was cheaper. Cost more or less exactly a grand, in the end of year sales. God that was a long time ago now.
As we are older we do wish the ovens were higher up, less bending and easier to keep clean! It being exactly 1 metre across made fitting it into the kitchen a lot easier.
Afternoon folks :)

Did the same as Stan today out in the garden at 7:30 by 11 its too ott to work outside so have now come in to discuss food for tonight.

Will probably go have a swim later, its in the low 30s out back with no wind today, forecast till the weekend is mid 30s+ so a few more early mornings planned🫠
M took the trailer into town today to pickup a new brolly 3x3m so we will at least be able to sit in the shade, they had it on offer so just a tad over £200.

taken the pool cover off and noticed it appears to be clearing.

Hope you put it back on if your not gonna use it?
Did you check the temp?

We used to have that on the first clean, because of the action of the vac brush stirring it up, But now with the shark we put him in before going anywhere near it and he sucks it all up off the bottom without disturbing it.

I am now having to decide, along with W, how much moving around on her dodgy ankle she can do, it having swollen up and got very painful after she overdid it Fridi.
We'll be seeing the physio this arvo so she might help there. Tis a problem when you have no feeling in the foot. :rolleyes:

Its a fine line rhabing broken bones especially as we get older, I dont suppose the not having feeling helps. But yes you will have to find a balance.
Hope shes feeling better soon so she can enjoy the time in frogland:).

Tia hammering doon here, brought these home im going to chop the bottom off & put on the front of my out house that
I built for my quad. They will sit nice side by side. :)

View attachment 292664

You cant cut them :vb-groan2: :vb-groan2:

You could get more for them as they are and buy new for what you need and have some change, for a dram or takeaway:)
Well unless they are a really funny small width/height. But as lots of Boaty peeps up your way sure they would be snapped up.

Afternoon folks :)

Did the same as Stan today out in the garden at 7:30 by 11 its too ott to work outside so have now come in to discuss food for tonight.

Will probably go have a swim later, its in the low 30s out back with no wind today, forecast till the weekend is mid 30s+ so a few more early mornings planned🫠
M took the trailer into town today to pickup a new brolly 3x3m so we will at least be able to sit in the shade, they had it on offer so just a tad over £200.

Clouded over now! Temp dropping! This wasn't supposed to happen until much later!
Why the heck did I bother!!!
Have to go out at 3 p.m. anyway.

That's a huge brolly. We had one like that but got fed up of how you had to fit it under big weights and it still blew over in the winds we have. One fine day we may get a "sail" for the back patio. But that'll invole putting a pole like a telelgraph pole in the middle of one of her flowerbeds!

Maybe your is so expensive cos it has a genius way of being secured.
We'd like to see pics.;)
Afternoon folks :)

Did the same as Stan today out in the garden at 7:30 by 11 its too ott to work outside so have now come in to discuss food for tonight.

Will probably go have a swim later, its in the low 30s out back with no wind today, forecast till the weekend is mid 30s+ so a few more early mornings planned🫠
M took the trailer into town today to pickup a new brolly 3x3m so we will at least be able to sit in the shade, they had it on offer so just a tad over £200.

Do you not have bits coming off the building you can sit under? We couldn't exist here without.
Hope you put it back on if your not gonna use it?
Did you check the temp?

We used to have that on the first clean, because of the action of the vac brush stirring it up, But now with the shark we put him in before going anywhere near it and he sucks it all up off the bottom without disturbing it.

Its a fine line rhabing broken bones especially as we get older, I dont suppose the not having feeling helps. But yes you will have to find a balance.
Hope shes feeling better soon so she can enjoy the time in frogland:).

TBH as I have so much to do today, plus I was waiting for the surface to clear before I put the new bubble cover on, AND I have yet to make the windy-uppy thing for it, no, it is still in it's bag. But it was up to 24 yesterday and it gains a degree each day in good weather. Maybe I'll chuck it on before we go out as the surface is clean now.
Thanks for reminding me!
I cannot imagine how you managed to add up all the marking you have done!!!!!!!!
For me that would have been about 1000 items an academic year I worked 34 years so 330 a term, so 25 a week.
IS THAT ALL????????? (No, I know you prolly haven't worked as long as I have!)

Just my year 11 and 6th form marking would have covered that!!!

I notice you haven't included report writing in all this. In the days when we used to do 3 sets a year and each report both, subject and tutor, was a cheque-book style one...... I knew staff who could only do one set an evening. So that would be 10 evenings totally taken up with it for some.
Guess uni is different from a 13 to 18 school. But yes my dottir does a huge amount of marking and she only works with those doing Masters and PHds. In fact she has gone part time so she can use her new days off to mark and keep her weekends and holidays free. Plus of course she gets less of it.
Well, it's not too hard to keep track of it, based on how many are in a class and how many 3000 word essays they have to do, and how many 3 hour essay type exams they have to take, with, for example, three questions to answer. Yes, part time work in higher education is a bit of a rip off because you don't notice any less work, but they pay you less for it. They just timetable you so that you have the requisite number of days 'free' to match your fractional contract. Fortunately, teaching over-eighteens, despite us being in the era of helicopter parents, we don't have to give them school reports, but there's still plenty of documentation to create - lots of teaching materials, perpetual validation and revalidation, periodic reviews, professional and statutory body visits - all of which require lots of documents, all in a somewhat different format, and endless meetings, of course. All the marking has to be moderated to within an inch of its life these days. So plenty to keep us busy. And that's before you've even started to think about developing a research profile, which is more or less essential if you want to make progress in your career. The bit of your CV that appointments panels look at first is the external grant capture (they love money) and the publications (can they be put in the Research Excellence Framework?) and the bits about what a great teacher you are and how the students love you get flicked over very quickly. So that's what I do all day.
Well, it's not too hard to keep track of it, based on how many are in a class and how many 3000 word essays they have to do, and how many 3 hour essay type exams they have to take, with, for example, three questions to answer. Yes, part time work in higher education is a bit of a rip off because you don't notice any less work, but they pay you less for it. They just timetable you so that you have the requisite number of days 'free' to match your fractional contract. Fortunately, teaching over-eighteens, despite us being in the era of helicopter parents, we don't have to give them school reports, but there's still plenty of documentation to create - lots of teaching materials, perpetual validation and revalidation, periodic reviews, professional and statutory body visits - all of which require lots of documents, all in a somewhat different format, and endless meetings, of course. All the marking has to be moderated to within an inch of its life these days. So plenty to keep us busy. And that's before you've even started to think about developing a research profile, which is more or less essential if you want to make progress in your career. The bit of your CV that appointments panels look at first is the external grant capture (they love money) and the publications (can they be put in the Research Excellence Framework?) and the bits about what a great teacher you are and how the students love you get flicked over very quickly. So that's what I do all day.
Sooner you than me mate!!
God I'm so glad I am out of it.
And yes your complaints about admin back our dottirs.
Think I'm still glad I taught in an upper school rather than doing what you do. Even if you have to sort out the occasional knife fight!!;)
If anyone gives a monkey's ours is a Belling countrychef. 2 ovens, one fan, separate grill, 8 rings as you already know and splashback and hood matching. Dual fuel and came witht he jets for bottled gas. Bought one Boxing day on-line from 3 different places, doing that each bit was cheaper. Cost more or less exactly a grand, in the end of year sales. God that was a long time ago now.
As we are older we do wish the ovens were higher up, less bending and easier to keep clean! It being exactly 1 metre across made fitting it into the kitchen a lot easier.

My cooker is bigger than yours 🤣 🤣
Talking of which, I noticed he was a Maths teacher, good thing he survived there are so few of them!!!!

i only had to do it once and the blade wasn't a knife it was a builders pointing trowel. Still blinking sharp. The Head just stood by and watched as I struggled to get it off the kid.
He then took the kid away and at the end of the day disciplined me, or tried to because he "didn't like the way I took it off him".
That was an amusing convo in his office with two female deputy heads.

I pointed out to him that it was an illegal weapon as the blade was too long, he shouldn't have allowed it to have been anywhere outside of the classroom, if I hadn't taken it he could have run around and tried to stab soemone else, (This was before the days of safeguarding lockdowns) but I didn't mention that he, as old as me and a hulking great ex rugby wing forward should have intervened. Admittedly he didn't see the actual fight, just me barrelling through the double doors in pursuit of the kid then backing him into the lockers.

So I got "let off" with "management advice":rolleyes:
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You cant cut them :vb-groan2: :vb-groan2:

You could get more for them as they are and buy new for what you need and have some change, for a dram or takeaway:)
Well unless they are a really funny small width/height. But as lots of Boaty peeps up your way sure they would be snapped up.


They are quite narrow or id wouldnt be chopping them, yer I could sell them but I kinda like em. :)

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