Not often no
As any teacher will tell you, in that job you have to do both, most evenings, or else dedicate at least one of the two weekend days to doing the work from home.
I had to be in a separate room from W especially when doing coursework marking.
I never really understood how teachers had children, they all told me all they did was work, do stuff with their kids, then work then sleep.

You could do simple marking in front of the telly but it always took about 4 times as long!
I stayed behind every day until I had done all my prep for the following day so it meant I had to drive miles around Wimborne to get home and not snarled up in traffic.
If had had a job where I could work from home I think I would do it all at night and sleep in. But that would mean needing to have a job where I didn't need to converse with other peeps, unless I had been working with Merkins of course.
Here’s a puzzle! The other day I reached the dizzy heights of 10,000 posts. I’ve since lost over 400. Did I really post 400 pictures in top totty? :stars:
Only 400???????
I loved your pics.
Do start it up again and get them back up especially of that blonde in the Defender in very short shorts with the enormous top hamper!
Not only did she have a lovely bod but she actually had a very sweet face as well!;););););)
As any teacher will tell you, in that job you have to do both, most evenings, or else dedicate at least one of the two weekend days to doing the work from home.
I had to be in a separate room from W especially when doing coursework marking.
I never really understood how teachers had children, they all told me all they did was work, do stuff with their kids, then work then sleep.

You could do simple marking in front of the telly but it always took about 4 times as long!
I stayed behind every day until I had done all my prep for the following day so it meant I had to drive miles around Wimborne to get home and not snarled up in traffic.
If had had a job where I could work from home I think I would do it all at night and sleep in. But that would mean needing to have a job where I didn't need to converse with other peeps, unless I had been working with Merkins of course.
When people ask me why I've never had children, I always say it's because I've has too much marking. It takes up all your free time so there is little opportunity to make yourself available in the romantic marketplace, plus if I ever were to have kids it wouldn't be fair on them because I wouldn't have been able to give them much attention. Now I'm at a career stage where I mainly organise the work of others, so don't find myself doing much classroom teaching any more. But counting each exam answer as a separate item, as well as all the essays, dissertations and practical reports, I have marked around 35,000 things in my working life. That's excluding multiple guess tests and short answer assessments. Far more than any human being should have to mark. Yes, our American cousins seem to require a great deal of talk to accompany their labours, with perpetual meetings, consultations, socialising and then having to go out to dinner with them in the evenings. It's pretty much a full time job being American, so there's precious little time to get any actual work done in my experience.
I would confess to being a bit of an "odd-ball" in that I really ascribe to the mantra "if a jobs worth doing, it's worth doing well".

Yesterday I noticed that the stainless steel sink in the utility room looked disgusting with all sorts of minging crud adhered everywhere. Best not to start a row with the missus, she only ever wipes stuff over and never does a deep clean (because it hurts her arthritic little handy-pands). So I spent about 30 minutes cleaning it so it looked like new. No problem it wasn't a hard job.

Today it was the cooker hob's turn. Same issues, looked like it had not been cleaned in about 5 years. Burnt & baked on grease etc. everywhere. All the gas-rings were burnt black and dried/caked baked on crap all over the pan-stands.

So while she was gardening (a chore she likes and I hate) I set to and cleaned every part of the hob with a range of utensils until I was satisfied (about 90 minutes work) due to the sheer scale of the crud burnt on in layers.

I was happy with the result. She said (when she came back in from her gardening "Yes, that really needed doing; glad you did it."

I just wish this cleaning urge extended to my Rangie. ;)

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Bloody good job well done!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
We are a bit barmy, our Range cooker has 8 rings, so we only use one half at a time, covering the other half with a towel. Only use the other bits when we have a big dinner party. I love cooking on gas but W hates cleaning it, so we have those silver paper looking things to go under the rings to catch spillages. Cheap and work very well, easily washed and replaced.
But W tries to get me to not fry with it much! Have to put thingies over the frying pan to "catch" the fat, which don't work very well.
This doesn't mean I don't clean it too, she is just convinced she does it better. But since she has been "hors de combat" and I have been doing the domestics, she's started noticing things like the fact that the worktops and draining area are always clear etc.

We got an induction hob when I did up the UK kitchen. Thort it would be much easier to clean.

Nope, we have to keep it permanently covered with stuff even while cooking on it to give it a chance of ever coming properly clean and that is without ever burning anything on it.

Mind you we might be just a tad hyper about what "properly clean" means!!

Can you still get "Shiny Sinks" as that is the only stuff I have ever managed to find works on stainless steel ones. We are fast running out over here and it goes off in the bottle.:(:(:(
When people ask me why I've never had children, I always say it's because I've has too much marking. It takes up all your free time so there is little opportunity to make yourself available in the romantic marketplace, plus if I ever were to have kids it wouldn't be fair on them because I wouldn't have been able to give them much attention. Now I'm at a career stage where I mainly organise the work of others, so don't find myself doing much classroom teaching any more. But counting each exam answer as a separate item, as well as all the essays, dissertations and practical reports, I have marked around 35,000 things in my working life. That's excluding multiple guess tests and short answer assessments. Far more than any human being should have to mark. Yes, our American cousins seem to require a great deal of talk to accompany their labours, with perpetual meetings, consultations, socialising and then having to go out to dinner with them in the evenings. It's pretty much a full time job being American, so there's precious little time to get any actual work done in my experience.
I cannot imagine how you managed to add up all the marking you have done!!!!!!!!
For me that would have been about 1000 items an academic year I worked 34 years so 330 a term, so 25 a week.
IS THAT ALL????????? (No, I know you prolly haven't worked as long as I have!)

Just my year 11 and 6th form marking would have covered that!!!

I notice you haven't included report writing in all this. In the days when we used to do 3 sets a year and each report both, subject and tutor, was a cheque-book style one...... I knew staff who could only do one set an evening. So that would be 10 evenings totally taken up with it for some.
Guess uni is different from a 13 to 18 school. But yes my dottir does a huge amount of marking and she only works with those doing Masters and PHds. In fact she has gone part time so she can use her new days off to mark and keep her weekends and holidays free. Plus of course she gets less of it.
So, got up early to beat the heat, so so far I have planted out 12 lettuces, cleaned out and restrawed the hen hut, got W to sort washing out and I then put the first load on, taken the pool cover off and noticed it appears to be clearing. Just having a coffee afore getting on. 25 degs in the house but at least there is a breeze today!
I am now having to decide, along with W, how much moving around on her dodgy ankle she can do, it having swollen up and got very painful after she overdid it Fridi.
We'll be seeing the physio this arvo so she might help there. Tis a problem when you have no feeling in the foot. :rolleyes:

Have a good one folks!!!:):):)

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