Good day so far, well more or less.
Got up late, checked the pool, I think I may have algae, never had them before!
Then went to a village do on the stadium grounds just opposite our place. Had a lot to drink, lots to eat and a right laugh with the neebs.
Just got back in.

Tested the pool watter but I think my testing stuff is all gone past its sell by date. I'll get some more, chuck some more salt in and take it from there.
Oh and next door neeb has just come home with yet another Landie, a TD5 ES Disco. He felt, after about 10 miles, a bit of a vibration, drove on until it got so bad he had to stop.

Should have stopped earlier, one wheel had loose nuts, he'd already lost three and nearly lost one of the last two!!!:eek::eek::eek:
There's a moral in there somewhere!!
And althought the seller, somewhere in the east of the country where they have mountains and use a lot of salt on the roads, had assured him the chassis had no rust, (ROFL) sho nuff he has rust at the rear of it.
Tis an ES so plenty of electrics to go wrong!

Guess I'll be looking at it wiv him soonish! He is now regretting having flogged the one he had a few months back with no rust on the chassis!!!🤣🤣🤣
Ok I will do my best.

if the cover is on what gets on the top to need to skim off?
All sorts of carp. It comes through the l;ittle holes in the voer designed to stop it bending the aluminium poles when it rains.
I usually use the skimey net
What is that of what you speak? The fing like a net on the end of the pole? Blow that, that is what the "skimmer " is for, you know, the hole at the end of the pool that sucks the surface water in and cleans it for you?
over the pool when the cover comes off each time we use.
You know the salt level is less than human tears so it isn’t gonna hurt the plants.
yes but , no but, we've been over this, CBA!;)
with the cover on overnight you will retain it better, with it on during a sunny day you will warm it quicker, win win. It’s a large bulk of heat once up there, I covered the pool late other night as weather was orribble and as the air temp was cool I could feel the heat from the water (temp diff I know but it’s there)
We have always done this otherwise yep, it'd lose all heat gained during the day. Plus legally we have to cover it in case some drunken scrote gets on our land, falls in and drouwnds hisself.
Yes chlorine but as it’s levels are low it wouldn’t hurt, and it’s chlorine gas which is slightly different to the tablets that give off chlorine, but the chlorinator runs a more constant level so you don’t get the ups n downs of levels or the smell ;)
That’s our understanding anyway.

Bottom line if you are not in it cover it:).
I think, once I've got it sorted it is going to be a case of, if not in it cover it with the bubble wrap, then put the safety cover over it at night.
Just my thoughts of course.
and much appreciated. Better than joining a "pool forum".:eek::eek::eek:
Us du burlieve that ethanol be the onlee potable alcohol. Orl the rest (speshly methanol) will get yer in the end. ‘Twas that as did fer orl them Frenchie impreshunists wiv swillin back the absinthe oat uv volks bathtubs. Em diddun unnerstan aboat first feints a fractions anorl that shït, see?
Lot more to the ban on absinthe which, in itself, was no worse than any other alcoholic drink of its type.
Just read this and found stuff out i didn't know.
Quite interesting for a Sunday afternoon read, not long!
I'm totally ok I just don't get why some other members need to talk down to others the way they do.

I'd say they are egotistical pricks...

Why I tend to stay here.
The fact is some on here have nowhere to go and vent their bile and they are cowards and wouldn't say boo to you face to face.
Having a big, fragile ego must be a nightmare!
Sad thing is one or two actually do know their stuff but are patronising as hell with it.
But most on the forum are decent peeps, thank the Lord!.
So it is a Spit then!

MOL’ s picture


Hurricane - hump back and outward opening wheels


Spitfire inward opening narrow track


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