The oppisition party always bash the gov about selling the nhs. It dun't happen. Fink back to blair and pfi. Cons said the same. Selling oft the nhs. Made worser when they got the waiting list down by using private elf care for nhs patients.
It will come eventually sadly the cost is crippling unless people dont mind paying more taxes for it to move forward its on a slippery slope down the waiting list is getting longer the funding is inadequate as parts have already been sold off this will increase in the coming years figures are being manipulated to look good 😐
on another tack, has anyone else seen the report? Last year about 9% of the teaching profession left it?
and w found another thing saying how teachers are jacking it in cos they cannot teach as they have to change nappies and do potty training!
on another tack, has anyone else seen the report? Last year about 9% of the teaching profession left it?
and w found another thing saying how teachers are jacking it in cos they cannot teach as they have to change nappies and do potty training!
Can't say I blame them the level of discipline in homes now is at a all time low and yes thay all blame covid easy way out ( national service 😊)
It will come eventually sadly the cost is crippling unless people dont mind paying more taxes for it to move forward its on a slippery slope down the waiting list is getting longer the funding is inadequate as parts have already been sold off this will increase in the coming years figures are being manipulated to look good 😐
It depends on your location. With my recent cancer scare, I was scanned three times and had a camera inserted all within four weeks. Bloody good service I think!
And that's how it should be . Not an exception to the rule
Up here it is the norm. Everyone complains but when it is something serious, they tend to act fast. A&E waiting times are bad, but once through triage and a proven case of genuine need, a bed is found. Lincolnshire maybe a rarity but I got the same service when I lived in Buckinghamshire.
Cheesy more you doing dude...bloody hot here still working on S2 keep saying will start thread with pics will do it...
Cheesy 🤣

Im good bud, we're thinking of having a wee holiday at the end of the year so spending very little on landy stuff atm
new kitchen to go in first & waiting on my builder mate to start the block work on my garage. Im just too busy with
boaty stuff to do it. Was looking forward to your project thread, talking of forward, did you get the 101 paper work sorted.
Up here it is the norm. Everyone complains but when it is something serious, they tend to act fast. A&E waiting times are bad, but once through triage and a proven case of genuine need, a bed is found. Lincolnshire maybe a rarity but I got the same service when I lived in Buckinghamshire.
Be aboat zame doan yer. Wince yer gets tu horsepiddle, em duz a gude job purdy fast but be geddun tu zee a daktari int vurst plaice wot be the puzzle. “Yer call be in a queue, yer be eleventh int queue…..”
Be aboat zame doan yer. Wince yer gets tu horsepiddle, em duz a gude job purdy fast but be geddun tu zee a daktari int vurst plaice wot be the puzzle. “Yer call be in a queue, yer be eleventh int queue…..”
Slight problem getting her paper. :(
The money for the paper had been stolen by the grandson. :mad:
The little git has form and has done this before.
There's been £4 in pound coins on my desk starting Monday.
£1 for Mondays Paper, £1 for Tuesday's, £1 for Weds and £1 for Thurs.
Guess who got picked up from school for the first time this week yesterday?
Yup! Little Light-Fingered Larry.

Little git needs a slap with a belt. :mad:
Glue the next ones on to the table 🤣

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