Mornin all!
Yet nuvver funderstorm last night an lotz of rain.
Still, yessdi W had her plaster removed and strict instructions to do a lot of walking.
Got her home, put her on the sofa as usual. After a while she complained her foot was swollen and her ankle was painful.
She started banging on about "The doc should have told me to expect this if it is normal, and what if it isn't?" Etc ETc.
So I googled it and found out it IS perfectly normal for the foot to be painful and swollen. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Now we have to make an appt with a physio.

Our new neighbour the retired nurse offered to come over and explain some exercises to W. She wasn't keen, she doesn't like the burd. Silly really but there you go.....

Bit funny after we got out the hostible. We just had time to go to the offices of "Assurance Maladie" which is where they reimburse you part of any health bills you have to pay.
The wimmins there had never seen a GHIC card before so went off for confabs on phone and with colleagues.
They too had never seen one before, although she did "get" that it is like the EHIC card, used to be.
I did tell her that without it we could not have got our visas, (little white lie, any decent form or insurance would do and we do have that as well as a top up)
So now we have to have a telephone interview OR go to the local office which is only open one day a week. So you need an appt there too.
We opted for the phone, next Toosdi.

Weather still wet though not aksherly raining. Heavy mist. Looks like we won't see the sun again until Monday.😢😢😢😢
Have a nice Friday peeps.

And well done to all of you with your successes!:):):):):)
I was innocently minding my own business making stuff on my lather when a little voice called my name.
It was my neighbour Audrey (88). She wanted to tell me that another plumbing calamity had befallen her.
Her kitchen sink is blocked and all backed up.
I said I would take a look in a short while as soon as I had finished he piece I was working on.
I went over there with a plunger etc. But no joy.
The under-sink plumbing had a t least 3 90-degree bends in the first 12" after the U-bend, and this is always a problem.
I put a bucket under the sink and undid the "U" . Got soaked with the foul-smelling contents of her kitchen sink.
Cleared it all up, took the u-bend over to my house and cleaned it all out. Put it all back together and ran some water to remove all the gunge in the bottom of the sink. Nope! Still-blocked.
If I could find my little rota-rooter I would have tried to poke it through the pipework, but I think one of my sons has it.
All I could do is say get a plumber with an internal pipework rodding-set/rota-rooter.
So, filthy dirty, hacked off at not fixing it and grumpy for the rest of the day. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Imagining you, lying in the bath, covered in lather and making stuff on it, innocently.

Har, har , har!!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Shame you couldn't fix her drains and got covered in yuk for your pains. It does irk one to not be able to complete a job, doesn't it?
Feel for you.
Turbo is fitted. Not too difficult with the aid of my new stubby ratchet wrenches, best tool investment I have made in a long while. Even managed to torque two of the three turbo to manifold nuts (with my smallest torque wrench). Just one really awkward bolt - having to line up two bolt holes, gasket and the oil drain pipe flange with the turbo. One bolt easy, the second, hidden behind the pipe, fiddly and upside down, took two hours of patient persuasion to get it in. Half of the time spent retrieving the bolt from where it got lodged in the chassis as it made several bids for freedom. Knocked off for the day now as its poets day, should get all the other parts refitted / connected at the weekend.
It seems the camshaft bolt backed out and did some damage. The tappet carrier also got hot with the oil pressure drop.
We will drop the bottom end next time.


Went out yestersay Got absolutely hammered. ended in a drunken walk home. At some point I decided to sit down on the side of the road for a bit of a rest. Unfortunately I didn’t see the brokenbottle until it was too late. Got home and promptly managed to snap the front door key off in the door. Luckily my gran was awake so she let me in, totally unamused. Went into the kitchen. What between me stumbling around and an old fridge that used to start with a bit of a jolt, jasper, my goldfish who had a twin brother , decided enough was enough. His bowl was on top of the fridge. Don’t know if Goldfish sleep, but anyway, he and his brother, got a fright and jumped out the bowl onto the kitchen floor. By this stage I was rather hungry. Oooh. Look a piece of carrot on the floor...I will apply the five second rule and eat it....Goldfish...Bleugh... That was the end of Bob. Managed to get his brother Bob, back into the bowl unscathed

Anyway, having tried to wash the taste of Goldfish out my mouth ,I decided brush my teeth and go to bed. Better go to the loo too... Pulled my shredded underpants off. Had kind of forgotten about that. Nothing for it, I need to administer serious first aid to my Glutemus Maximus. Big box of plasters, detol and some tweezers to pull out a shard of glass or two. Ever tried to pull glass out your arse when you have partaken in too many adult beverages? Not so easy. Landed up using the big mirror in the bathroom to see what I was doing. Ever tried to use tweezers whilst looking in a mirror?

Anyway. Eventual success and I went off to bed. Was rudely awoken very early in the morning by a very distraught gran. Which, quite frankly I thought was totally uncalled for. I had been meticulous in cleaning up the blood in my bathroom. so I was totally stumped as to how the gran had any inkling that I might be nursing a shredded rear end

Got up and went into the bathroom and it all became apparent....I had been standing on the bathroom slab, straddling the wash basin, looking at my bum in the mirror, cleaning wounds and applying plasters.....

Only one slight problem....all the plasters were still stuck exactly where I had put them.....on the mirror.

So been in A&E for most of today.. :stars:
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Went out yestersay Got absolutely hammered. ended in a drunken walk home. At some point I decided to sit down on the side of the road for a bit of a rest. Unfortunately I didn’t see the brokenbottle until it was too late. Got home and promptly managed to snap the front door key off in the door. Luckily my gran was awake so she let me in, totally unamused. Went into the kitchen. What between me stumbling around and an old fridge that used to start with a bit of a jolt, jasper, my goldfish who had a twin brother , decided enough was enough. His bowl was on top of the fridge. Don’t know if Goldfish sleep, but anyway, he and his brother, got a fright and jumped out the bowl onto the kitchen floor. By this stage I was rather hungry. Oooh. Look a piece of carrot on the floor...I will apply the five second rule and eat it....Goldfish...Bleugh... That was the end of Bob. Managed to get his brother Bob, back into the bowl unscathed

Anyway, having tried to wash the taste of Goldfish out my mouth ,I decided brush my teeth and go to bed. Better go to the loo too... Pulled my shredded underpants off. Had kind of forgotten about that. Nothing for it, I need to administer serious first aid to my Glutemus Maximus. Big box of plasters, detol and some tweezers to pull out a shard of glass or two. Ever tried to pull glass out your arse when you have partaken in too many adult beverages? Not so easy. Landed up using the big mirror in the bathroom to see what I was doing. Ever tried to use tweezers whilst looking in a mirror?

Anyway. Eventual success and I went off to bed. Was rudely awoken very early in the morning by a very distraught gran. Which, quite frankly I thought was totally uncalled for. I had been meticulous in cleaning up the blood in my bathroom. so I was totally stumped as to how the gran had any inkling that I might be nursing a shredded rear end

Got up and went into the bathroom and it all became apparent....I had been standing on the bathroom slab, straddling the wash basin, looking at my bum in the mirror, cleaning wounds and applying plasters.....

Only one slight problem....all the plasters were still stuck exactly where I had put them.....on the mirror eeek.

So been in A&E for most of today.. :stars:

Here is a tail of a youngster that thinks he the first to try and pull the wool over grans/mums eyes. It’s not a unique situation I can tell you ;).
hope the nurse treated your bum well enry🤣.


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