So, the nipper (30, tell me about it) at wuks Clio has had probs wif the wipers. He bought a motor oft the breakers**
He has a noo dottir an is skint so i said I'd fit it. Fitted it, still no wipery action goin on. Checked the fuse, fine*.
Put the old motor back in an removed the linkage an tried the switch, motor spins*
Hmm, is the wiper arm link free, nope. Drivers side is seized solid.*
Motor returned, new link ordered, sixty squid saving. Just have to remove the skuttle etc again to fit the bugger.
*Should've done these first! Donut Turk! :vb-doh:
**Don't assume the nipper has it right! Gaaah! Double :vb-doh:
In that case put all your unliked 5's, 10's, 20's and 50's in a black bin bag and send them to Wimblowdriver towers :cool:

Yer cause ive got enough to fill a bin bag 🤣 🤣

Sorted some of my change out yesterday..........Guess how much
Yer cause ive got enough to fill a bin bag 🤣 🤣

Sorted some of my change out yesterday..........Guess how much
View attachment 291727
There’s about £800 squids there.
I surprised myself when I quit work and found how much I had in my stash in the carry on bag.
everytime I changed countries the notes got stuffed in the bag and got some more out of the atm.
I do try my best now to not come home with change, cos I used to do the same and end up like that, still buys toys;).

what ya buying:).

There’s about £800 squids there.
I surprised myself when I quit work and found how much I had in my stash in the carry on bag.
everytime I changed countries the notes got stuffed in the bag and got some more out of the atm.
I do try my best now to not come home with change, cos I used to do the same and end up like that, still buys toys;).

what ya buying:).


Not far off matey..... 700 squids there not sure what to buy yet. :):)
Butt, are you fillin out yer boxers any betterer? :vb-eyebrows:
It is too early to tell. The "buns-of-steel" feel more "steely", but the "Quads of despair" still feel almost non-existent.
But I think there is some growth overall. Deadlifts are one of the 4 very fundamental strength exercises after all.

Let's face it.... I am coming up to 69 and there's not too many 69 YO's that can pick up 11St. 11lbs(75Kg) repeatedly.
So I think I might be winning ;)

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