Not a good start to the day. Dropped a copper washer into the engine bay while fitting the oil feed pipe to the turbo. And I can't find it. And I ain't got another one. 'Er indoors is gonna call into halfrauds this morning and get me one of their assortment boxes, containing 75 washers. Anybody got a use for 74 copper washers?
oops, feel for you mate.😒 When this has happened in the past I invitably find it sitting on top of a chassis rail or lodged into summat. Recently the UJ on the steering column or summat.
I only ever find them with my fingers!
Best of luck, betcher find it just as W turns up with the box!;)
Be calling you Arne soon πŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺπŸ’ͺ
oops, feel for you mate.😒 When this has happened in the past I invitably find it sitting on top of a chassis rail or lodged into summat. Recently the UJ on the steering column or summat.
I only ever find them with my fingers!
Best of luck, betcher find it just as W turns up with the box!;)
FOUND IT :D. It was on the driveway under the engine (don't know how I didn't spot it earlier). And the report back from'Er Indoors - halfrauds ain't got any. Back under the bonnet I go ------
Afternoon folk :) .

Yesterday I went round to Ms friend to wire in the lights. So fitted 3 roses and switches, 2 lights up, wire to the fuse box and test awaiting sparks and smoke. But nope none:banana:. Ok let’s try the lights 1 was good second tripped the breaker, I have done something wrong but it can wait till today.
So off I toddle today for round 2. Clear head and straight to it, I had mucking fixed the switch cable as if it was a loop cable:vb-groan2:. So sorted easy, put up the 3rd light and then there was light:banana:
3 more to go up but as 2 are in the loft I said sod that, got to fit 12 sockets next as well, then position the fuse box. All fun ;).

So anyway back home have fired up the furnace (BBQ) and opened the pool, had a swim while it was starting and have just chucked a bucket of charcoal on, got a joint of beef and a joint of pork to go on in about 30 mins:)

Oh did I say it’s ot 😰.
happy days:banana::banana: enjoy the non work day’s workers.

Turbo is on, oil feed n drains sorted, very difficult job of fitting the heat shield plate under the turbo done, DPF/CAT clamped and bolted back in place. That's enough for today, top heat shield and alternator to re-fit tomorrow. And loads of cables to hook up. Still waiting for delivery of an idler pulley which was out of stock. Onwards and upwards :D.

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