My wife is out for the evening getting ****ed with girlfriends, so I'm free to do whatever I want.
So gin smuggled in from Italy to dodge the duty ( with a token amount of tonic) a curry that probably violates the Geneva covention, and music she doesn't like at proper volumes( i.e. loud enough to be heard over a tratter engine)
Guid afternoon
Well having been getting Job Seekers Allowance (Β£84 per week) thought I had better apply for something temporary.
Unfortunately had an interview for Team Member at TESCO Renfrew and even more unfortunate just got a call confirming I was successful.
Start on the 19th July after my holiday.
Late shift working in the receiving warehouse 17:00 to midnight Thurs, Fri & Sat. Non preferred timing for the younger (party animal) applicants I guess.
And its local 12 minute walk although you would have to be brave walking home at midnight in Renfrew !
Wonder if I get a discount on diesel for the landy mmm
Congrats :) Renfrew is the jewel of Glasgow nothing worse than kings inch road on a Saturday
Afternoon folks :).

Well back in BG now, arrived home 4am cup of tea then bed so had what one might call a mighty lie in after the long day:).

Spent the last 4hrs in the UK doing 1 of my top 10 things to do, People watching in airports🧐.

Anyway it will be a very relaxing day here. I will be finding an E-mail address for BT to really rant at somebody. phoned them yesterday morning and was told its something broken at their end and will be a further 3-5 days:mad::mad::mad:.

M says the chlorinator is leaking at the O ring, so is on bypass at the moment but running normal chlorine tabs, so will have to look around and get my "heath Robinson" head on and think outside the box cos there is no way I am gonna find 1 of them easily, But I will look through my boxes of "usefull" stuff and come up with some inspiration:vb-idea:.

Have a great day folks it always nice to be home:).

Good that it went well and got home ok these days you just don't know when traveling. Services in the UK now are diabolical in every sector and I thought it was bad here !! Bet dad will miss the company was going to have a beer but the chiller is empty def need to go shopping can get old speckled hen now but no broad side Ptf tape if threaded 🍺🍻
Eye is annoyed with pigeons sitting in me burd baffs. They poop in the water and make a mess. Eye is going to make a wire cage to go over them so only black burds and smaller can gerrin ferra baff. Initially from wire and bent meself. Spotted a hanging basket yesdi and through that would be ideal. The half football type. Some have biggerer holes between the wires so eye should be able to pick the perfect one. Only problem is eye need to be able to secure it to the top of me burd baff. Any ideas how?

What about some lumps of white plasterscence water proof non permanent and access πŸ₯🐦
Eye is annoyed with pigeons sitting in me burd baffs. They poop in the water and make a mess. Eye is going to make a wire cage to go over them so only black burds and smaller can gerrin ferra baff. Initially from wire and bent meself. Spotted a hanging basket yesdi and through that would be ideal. The half football type. Some have biggerer holes between the wires so eye should be able to pick the perfect one. Only problem is eye need to be able to secure it to the top of me burd baff. Any ideas how?

...and in "other news"....
My eldest is here and has very kindly helped me to get started on some strength training.
I told him about my missing "glutes" and quads" and what could we do with the old gym weights I own?
He is a "Gym Person" and has been strength training since he was 14 yrs old, so I was in safe hands.
I surprised myself by managing to ramp up to 3 sets of 5 reps at 60Kg on a deadlift, I know its nothing really, but I was pleased to be able to do it. :D
I haven't been to a multigym since afore I met W so, what, 1990? There I found I could pump almost anything with my legs but my upper body i.e. arms were puny. No matter what I did it didn't seem to make any difference.
I guess we are what we are born with!!
I was told not to do any training for 6 months after my operation now ive not been active for a few months
I can see where all the rich food n beer has went, think its got stuck & not made its way to the exit 🀣
Don't tell us you've lost that super slim waist you is so proud of?
and that you is more like the rest of us, well me at least?
Now I know why the Chiro lady asked me to keep my shirt on this time!!!:(:(:(
I took early retirement earlier this year (a sprightly 57) and to give my week a bit of structure and provide some pocket-money I applied at a couple of local supermarkets (Sainsbury & Tesco).
The application process and rewards (pay, discounts & pension) was very similar for both but I decided to go with Sainsbury's as they are closer to me (easy walk).
2-Shifts 10pm-7am stacking shelves which is a complete contrast to my 38-year career within the telecoms industry! 10% discount off Sainsbury & Argos products rising to 15% for 4-days around each payday but EXCLUDES spirits & fuel.

As I said, I am doing it for pocket-money (I am drawing one of my company pensions and therefore already above the tax threshold :( ) but it is ok with the best bit being that I know I can just jack it in if I were to feel that way inclined and anyway, 2-shifts a week is hardly a problem. :D
It was early retirement for me also at an equally sprightly 64.
As with you pocket money but more to keep me active especially thro the long Winter months

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