Looked at me gas and lectric meter yesdi. Spottid a small sticker on me lectric meter saying ssc 151 00:30 to 07:30 so eye is finking thats me economy 7 hours. It will be gmt and we is in bst so it will currently be 01:30 to 08:30 me finks. Eye will test it by gerrin up early and putting me washing machine on.
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Collecting junk collectables together today to sell on my stall at the transport show next weekend, got landy stuff, motorbike stuff, unusual stuff, 5 clocks, two very unusual garden tables, 4 stools, large tin toy truck (GMC Astro) old beer bottle etc etc, looking forward to it, all in aid of Air Ambulance
Collecting junk collectables together today to sell on my stall at the transport show next weekend, got landy stuff, motorbike stuff, unusual stuff, 5 clocks, two very unusual garden tables, 4 stools, large tin toy truck (GMC Astro) old beer bottle etc etc, looking forward to it, all in aid of Air Ambulance
Do you have a link to the show? I will probably be on my own next weekend so could pop over :vb-teleport:
Do you have a link to the show? I will probably be on my own next weekend so could pop over :vb-teleport:
Very little activity on the facebook site but location details there, it's a very laid back and friendly show, all drinks in beer tent are a quid and it's all for Air Ambulance , someone driving around in a tank last year lol
Be sure to call in for a brew if you do manage to get there, look for the big google map pin (if I haven't sold it) and my toy truck will be parked on stall :)
Morning all, suns not oot yet tis nice n cool atm will be hanging about today waiting on a pallet delivery, I paid
for morning delivery but now I see on the tracking its got delivery before 5pm. :mad:
Its to be another melting day better get the ice lollys ready need some more of these......
Sounds a bit like a trapped nerve you need some codeine 😡😡
It's down to an accident I had when I was 17. I need a chiro and excercise but doing just about OK on the drugs. We don't have any codeine at the mo. But yes it probably would help and yes it is usually a trapped nerve. Only trouble is getting a chiro strong enough to do the manouevre it takes to crack stuff back into position. I'll be seeing a female one on Weds. So fingas crossed.
Plus the exercises I normally do in these circs aren't working. In fact they are giving me aches in the stomach muscles.
:( :( :(
Last month picked up a 20k bag of dog food out of the shopping trolly at Lidl and pulled my back...I get back pain every now and then lasts a few days goes back to taking a bonnet of an S3 years ago on a windy day in Fife it was like a bloody sail spun me round and knocked me to the ground...
This is the trouble with backs. A moments bad luck or in my case stupidity leaves you with a problem for life.
Such a poop!:(:(:(
I pulled mine a few weeks ago after my chemo, went to pick up my jeans both dogs came from different directions to
pounce on me & I jerked it it nearly brought me to tears, bloody still getting niggles shovelling really helps. :rolleyes:
As you say, quite hard exercise, IF you can cope with it, does it good.
The year after my accident I started work at the Uni food stores, humping 22 gallon barrels of beer, cwt bags of sugar, boxe of A1 tins of grub all day long, plus pushing all this stuff miles on trolleys. My back problem disappeared.:vb-banana:
Then it reappeared once I started working as a rep.😭😭😭
Same with me 20yrs ago I bent down to pick up a piece of plaster board and it popped been reoccurring ever since and always happens when I am busiest but I have found that if I keep mobile it clears a lot faster than resting it
Resting it with painkillers may be necessary at the very beginning of a recurrence, but then exercise, especially walking really helps.
Moving all those slabs around last year helped a lot.;)
We had a thunder storm yesterday about 30mm of rainfall a blessing plants have grown over night Inc weeds and are cisterna has risen so ok for a while going to transplant cabbage and spouting broccoli now the soil is wet
Have a good Saturday and do what you injoy doing that's what life is about when you are retired 🙌🙌
We have had more or less a thunderstorm a day for the last 5 days at least. This weekend the phone system went down for the whole village. they only repaired it this morning. Which is why i have been off the air for a while!;)
We haven't had any rain for three weeks now, everyday has been sunny and warm. Is this the new Wales?
Sounds like it!;)
It's rained more or less every day for the past week or so, much of it with thunder, but it often doesn't rain that much so I still have to water the veg. But the tank that collects the roof water stays full. So at least all I have to do is connect the pump up.;)
By coincidence, when clearing out lots of books this afternoon ( lots from my husband's interest), I have come across this one -

RAF FIGHTER AIR FIELDS of WW2 by Jonathon Falconer.

It is a hard backed book in excellent condition - he probably only looked through it for interest after we had been in Kent - although having resided on a book shelf for many years it does have a generous coating of dust!

Is it of any use to anyone? I am not wanting any fee but it will probably cost £2/3 to post and that cost I would appreciate.

(If you put this title into the 'bay' then you will get some more info. about it)
Nice one.
I have a book on the RAF airfields of Yorkshire cos we go there and there were loads.
so one for thwe whole country must be massively informative.
I believe there are peeps who try to visit them all. So many are now farms, or have gone back to being farms!;)

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