Well and I thought we were the only couple like that! And as you know it's up to me to wash her feet.
Funny, my bros used to pong like heck, prolly still do.
He left his trainers out on the windowledge one night, it rained and he didn't realise till he put em back on and watter splooshed everywhere!

Misses wouldnt ask me id be sick, easier to spread peanut butter on them n let the dogs lick em clean 🤣🤣🤣
Ernie gimme fiffy squids this mumf :banana:
Slabs turned up at 1.30 today, got the pallets split then the good neebs help me shift them round the back of the house.
Got 3 broken ones & 4 missing :rolleyes: emailed the company & the misses has been on the phone to them.
Will see what happens.
Hope you get the result my mate got this week...ordered 1x5ltr of paint wrote it down on paper used google translate on phone...kept going back to shop always closed eventually open but the virl says can you keep an eye on my baby while I go get it from my car...she staggered back in with a 15ltr can my mate said thats not mine and showed the bit of paper oh she says my fault I read it wrong pay for 5ltr and take the 15 it's my fault...he doesnt drive and lives up a very steep road in the village and 2 months ago split his knee open while running in the hills a 15min walk took him an hour as he had also 2 1ltr cans of paint as welll...only in Portugal lol...
Yesdi morning eye spottid a bobbin on the floor below me cage feeder picking fings up. Eye fort to meself that mite be fallen wurms. Watched ferrabit and a different little burd hung oft the cage to collect bits in the bottom of the cage. Not sure which type. Then went inside said cage fer more. Eye is appy wiv that. Next plan is to build a cage over me burd baffs to keep the pigeons oot.
Hope you get the result my mate got this week...ordered 1x5ltr of paint wrote it down on paper used google translate on phone...kept going back to shop always closed eventually open but the virl says can you keep an eye on my baby while I go get it from my car...she staggered back in with a 15ltr can my mate said thats not mine and showed the bit of paper oh she says my fault I read it wrong pay for 5ltr and take the 15 it's my fault...he doesnt drive and lives up a very steep road in the village and 2 months ago split his knee open while running in the hills a 15min walk took him an hour as he had also 2 1ltr cans of paint as welll...only in Portugal lol...

Apparently im getting the delivery money back which is 95 quid, now to see what happens with the missing/damaged slabs. :)

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