The cat caught this he got a spanking View attachment 289702
Around 50 years ago I wanted to buy a pair of Moorish Geckos but they were £160 and couldnt afford they breed in our house...
As you can all tell from the (even more) erratic nature of my posts, things have gone to heck in a handcart over here.
Not only I W sofa/bed/wheelchair bound but I have got the worst back I've had in years.
Can't sit, stand, lie downor roll over comfortably and the worst pain comes when changing from on position to another. But as I am the only semi-functioning member of the crew I has to push on through and get stuff done.
4 hour shopping trip pushing a heavy supermarket trolley around, and yes even driving my usually comfortable Disco the odd 20 miles, killed me yesterday. And then I had to put it all away, bending down lifting etc.
Will ring the chiro burd today crossing fingas she ain't on oliday as she is the only one around.
I tried doing exercises, it made my back a bit better but then hurt my stomach muscles. Now I can't even do one lying in bed.
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen don't touch it.
Moan over!
At least the sun is shining. as it did yessdi, the weather forecst for our particular valley is for the birds!
Have agood fridi and weekend folks!!!
@DanClarke Those flat Sturmey-Archer drive dogs no good then?

Sore back is a nightmare my dad hurt his yesterday when he sneezed :oops: Hope you recover soon. ;)
Sore back is a nightmare my dad hurt his yesterday when he sneezed :oops: Hope you recover soon. ;)
Last month picked up a 20k bag of dog food out of the shopping trolly at Lidl and pulled my back...I get back pain every now and then lasts a few days goes back to taking a bonnet of an S3 years ago on a windy day in Fife it was like a bloody sail spun me round and knocked me to the ground...
Last month picked up a 20k bag of dog food out of the shopping trolly at Lidl and pulled my back...I get back pain every now and then lasts a few days goes back to taking a bonnet of an S3 years ago on a windy day in Fife it was like a bloody sail spun me round and knocked me to the ground...

I pulled mine a few weeks ago after my chemo, went to pick up my jeans both dogs came from different directions to
pounce on me & I jerked it it nearly brought me to tears, bloody still getting niggles shovelling really helps. :rolleyes:
I pulled mine a few weeks ago after my chemo, went to pick up my jeans both dogs came from different directions to
pounce on me & I jerked it it nearly brought me to tears, bloody still getting niggles shovelling really helps. :rolleyes:
Yep when I changed jobs and started strimming and chainsaw work it improved till I spent 8 hours a day in an old Massy 135 bouncing around the
Last month picked up a 20k bag of dog food out of the shopping trolly at Lidl and pulled my back...I get back pain every now and then lasts a few days goes back to taking a bonnet of an S3 years ago on a windy day in Fife it was like a bloody sail spun me round and knocked me to the ground...
Same with me 20yrs ago I bent down to pick up a piece of plaster board and it popped been reoccurring ever since and always happens when I am busiest but I have found that if I keep mobile it clears a lot faster than resting it
We had a thunder storm yesterday about 30mm of rainfall a blessing plants have grown over night Inc weeds and are cisterna has risen so ok for a while going to transplant cabbage and spouting broccoli now the soil is wet
Have a good Saturday and do what you injoy doing that's what life is about when you are retired 🙌🙌

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