Sneaky bugger had me work out the units didn't he.. When you say it out loud it does give you pause..
I always tell the doc the troof when it comes to units. I don't think he likes it. I think they ALL believe you are understating it.
My attitude is Billy Connolly's, I'd rather LIVE my life than "survive" a few more weeks. If that!;)

EDIT well I thought I did (tell him the truth) until you lot made me check the number of units in a bot of wine! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Mine is due this year (Dec) but now seems like a good time to do it ;).
I gave up the second 1 last year to keep the longest 1.

M did hers a few years ago. Left on the first flight out to London, appointment at the office, lunch with her friend and back on the last flight arrived lunchtime next day.
There are other ways like sending it😲 and getting it back 1 week ish later. Not for us as we always like to keep hands on our passport;).

We have to leave ours with TLScontact in Lunnen every year while the frogs do the visas. I agree, tis terrible to have to hand them over for 10 days or so.:eek::eek:
OK, if a bottle of wine is twelve then a conservative estimate would be in the area of eighty units a week. Me bloods dint mention a stressed liver, though maybe high cholesterol does, I dunno. Is obverous I needs to reset..
Not quite as much as that.
But still shook both of us as we thought a bot was about 6, i.e. one per glass.
I think they must keep changing what a unit is. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
So we drink a minimum of 42 units each a week and a lot more like 50.
Ah well, a short life but a happy one!!! (She's 76 and I'm 68, we'll see!)
(And both our chloresterols, blood pressures and liver functions have been tested recently and they are OK. Well, just!, In my case!):):):)
As you can all tell from the (even more) erratic nature of my posts, things have gone to heck in a handcart over here.
Not only I W sofa/bed/wheelchair bound but I have got the worst back I've had in years.
Can't sit, stand, lie downor roll over comfortably and the worst pain comes when changing from on position to another. But as I am the only semi-functioning member of the crew I has to push on through and get stuff done.
4 hour shopping trip pushing a heavy supermarket trolley around, and yes even driving my usually comfortable Disco the odd 20 miles, killed me yesterday. And then I had to put it all away, bending down lifting etc.
Will ring the chiro burd today crossing fingas she ain't on oliday as she is the only one around.
I tried doing exercises, it made my back a bit better but then hurt my stomach muscles. Now I can't even do one lying in bed.
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen don't touch it.
Moan over!
At least the sun is shining. as it did yessdi, the weather forecst for our particular valley is for the birds!
Have agood fridi and weekend folks!!!
@DanClarke Those flat Sturmey-Archer drive dogs no good then?
As you can all tell from the (even more) erratic nature of my posts, things have gone to heck in a handcart over here.
Not only I W sofa/bed/wheelchair bound but I have got the worst back I've had in years.
Can't sit, stand, lie downor roll over comfortably and the worst pain comes when changing from on position to another. But as I am the only semi-functioning member of the crew I has to push on through and get stuff done.
4 hour shopping trip pushing a heavy supermarket trolley around, and yes even driving my usually comfortable Disco the odd 20 miles, killed me yesterday. And then I had to put it all away, bending down lifting etc.
Will ring the chiro burd today crossing fingas she ain't on oliday as she is the only one around.
I tried doing exercises, it made my back a bit better but then hurt my stomach muscles. Now I can't even do one lying in bed.
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen don't touch it.
Moan over!
At least the sun is shining. as it did yessdi, the weather forecst for our particular valley is for the birds!
Have agood fridi and weekend folks!!!
@DanClarke Those flat Sturmey-Archer drive dogs no good then?
Hi Stan,

Thanks but they aren't the "droids" I'm looking for. ;)
I will post pictures or a YouTube clip at some point today and maybe it will become clear as to what I am trying to do.
Not quite as much as that.
But still shook both of us as we thought a bot was about 6, i.e. one per glass.
I think they must keep changing what a unit is. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
So we drink a minimum of 42 units each a week and a lot more like 50.
Ah well, a short life but a happy one!!! (She's 76 and I'm 68, we'll see!)
(And both our chloresterols, blood pressures and liver functions have been tested recently and they are OK. Well, just!, In my case!):):):)
From the nhs web site:

"...It's recommended to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across 3 days or more. That's around 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine, or 6 pints of 4% beer.

There's no completely safe level of drinking, but sticking within these guidelines lowers your risk of harming your health. Try using Alcohol Change UK's unit calculator to work out how many units you drink and watch our video guide to alcohol units..."

Yer may be the lucky one. Not everyone will suffer. 50 units is a lot. Does yer feel drunk having that much or is yer used to that amount of drink?
Me nettles are starting to grow back at the bottom of me garden. Eye dug oot a section 4 foot by 10 last year. Tis only 3 foot wide now. They is slowly growing back as well as other weeds. At least the soil will be loose from last year. Finking of buying a pick axe to help break up the soil this year. Eye want to remove weeds and nettles from some boarders this year.
From the nhs web site:

"...It's recommended to drink no more than 14 units of alcohol a week, spread across 3 days or more. That's around 6 medium (175ml) glasses of wine, or 6 pints of 4% beer.

There's no completely safe level of drinking, but sticking within these guidelines lowers your risk of harming your health. Try using Alcohol Change UK's unit calculator to work out how many units you drink and watch our video guide to alcohol units..."

Yer may be the lucky one. Not everyone will suffer. 50 units is a lot. Does yer feel drunk having that much or is yer used to that amount of drink?
Redone the maths and actually it is closer to 45 units a week but still a heck of a lot more than the 14 recommended.
I daresay we are over the top. No we don't feel drunk on that amount. When I was a younger man I used to regularly get drunk, at one stage almost every night, with a group of mates, at least 4 pints a night or more, many more on a weekend and deffo that was more alcohol. According to this.
But that "only" lasted a couple of years and dropped off like mad if I had a girlfriend, which luckily was a lot of the time. As a student in London I couldn't afford to drink until my last year but when in Lille we all got pretty regularly bevvied up as we were earning so much money! When doing my year in Exeter I'd get pretty bevvied two or three nights a week.
During first marriage we were skint a lot of the time and drank very little, then between wives I went through a phase similar to when I was a young man. During second marriage we were pretty abstemious until we retired and didn't have to drive every day.
So maybe I haven't been a life-long drinker. Who can tell?
Still, not feeling drunk, no hangovers, etc. No DTs, no cravings, don't touch vodka.
As you can all tell from the (even more) erratic nature of my posts, things have gone to heck in a handcart over here.
Not only I W sofa/bed/wheelchair bound but I have got the worst back I've had in years.
Can't sit, stand, lie downor roll over comfortably and the worst pain comes when changing from on position to another. But as I am the only semi-functioning member of the crew I has to push on through and get stuff done.
4 hour shopping trip pushing a heavy supermarket trolley around, and yes even driving my usually comfortable Disco the odd 20 miles, killed me yesterday. And then I had to put it all away, bending down lifting etc.
Will ring the chiro burd today crossing fingas she ain't on oliday as she is the only one around.
I tried doing exercises, it made my back a bit better but then hurt my stomach muscles. Now I can't even do one lying in bed.
Paracetamol and Ibuprofen don't touch it.
Moan over!
At least the sun is shining. as it did yessdi, the weather forecst for our particular valley is for the birds!
Have agood fridi and weekend folks!!!
@DanClarke Those flat Sturmey-Archer drive dogs no good then?
Sounds a bit like a trapped nerve you need some codeine 😡😡
Redone the maths and actually it is closer to 45 units a week but still a heck of a lot more than the 14 recommended.
I daresay we are over the top. No we don't feel drunk on that amount. When I was a younger man I used to regularly get drunk, at one stage almost every night, with a group of mates, at least 4 pints a night or more, many more on a weekend and deffo that was more alcohol. According to this.
But that "only" lasted a couple of years and dropped off like mad if I had a girlfriend, which luckily was a lot of the time. As a student in London I couldn't afford to drink until my last year but when in Lille we all got pretty regularly bevvied up as we were earning so much money! When doing my year in Exeter I'd get pretty bevvied two or three nights a week.
During first marriage we were skint a lot of the time and drank very little, then between wives I went through a phase similar to when I was a young man. During second marriage we were pretty abstemious until we retired and didn't have to drive every day.
So maybe I haven't been a life-long drinker. Who can tell?
Still, not feeling drunk, no hangovers, etc. No DTs, no cravings, don't touch vodka.
I got the sack from the church there was never any wine for the Holy communion but lots of empty bottles 😇😈😇😈

( that's a fib ) 😂😂
The cat caught this he got a spanking
@Stanleysteamer Here's what I am trying to do that needed a drive dog.
Sturmey archer drum-brake hubs are typically passive rolling hubs with pars of 28 x 12 x 8 mm roller bearings; a 12mm axle, a backplate with brake shoes and obviously the hub and the bearings and a wheel.
I want to convert a pair of these hubs into "driven hubs" by making the axle rotate and drive the hub.
To do this I need to lock a driving element to the axle and have something transmit the rotation to the hub itself.
First I tried a single arm arrangement, but it was clearly going to be no good.

So I decided to adopt a different approach where a plate with 5 drive pins will engage with 5 small holes drilled into the alloy spokes of the hub's shell. On the RH side the plate and cap-nut have LH threads, on the Left they will have RH threads (for obvious reasons).


Here is the thing on the end of an axle.

I hope this helps explain what crazy thing I am trying to do. :D
Redone the maths and actually it is closer to 45 units a week but still a heck of a lot more than the 14 recommended.
I daresay we are over the top. No we don't feel drunk on that amount. When I was a younger man I used to regularly get drunk, at one stage almost every night, with a group of mates, at least 4 pints a night or more, many more on a weekend and deffo that was more alcohol. According to this.
But that "only" lasted a couple of years and dropped off like mad if I had a girlfriend, which luckily was a lot of the time. As a student in London I couldn't afford to drink until my last year but when in Lille we all got pretty regularly bevvied up as we were earning so much money! When doing my year in Exeter I'd get pretty bevvied two or three nights a week.
During first marriage we were skint a lot of the time and drank very little, then between wives I went through a phase similar to when I was a young man. During second marriage we were pretty abstemious until we retired and didn't have to drive every day.
So maybe I haven't been a life-long drinker. Who can tell?
Still, not feeling drunk, no hangovers, etc. No DTs, no cravings, don't touch vodka.
Only 45? Lightweight!
About 60 units a week here. :D
EDIT: 37.5 units per litre of Vodka, so that's usually 1.75 .. 2.0 litres a week. Ooh-err!
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@Stanleysteamer Here's what I am trying to do that needed a drive dog.
Sturmey archer drum-brake hubs are typically passive rolling hubs with pars of 28 x 12 x 8 mm roller bearings; a 12mm axle, a backplate with brake shoes and obviously the hub and the bearings and a wheel.
I want to convert a pair of these hubs into "driven hubs" by making the axle rotate and drive the hub.
To do this I need to lock a driving element to the axle and have something transmit the rotation to the hub itself.
First I tried a single arm arrangement, but it was clearly going to be no good.
View attachment 289703

So I decided to adopt a different approach where a plate with 5 drive pins will engage with 5 small holes drilled into the alloy spokes of the hub's shell. On the RH side the plate and cap-nut have LH threads, on the Left they will have RH threads (for obvious reasons).

View attachment 289704

Here is the thing on the end of an axle.

I hope this helps explain what crazy thing I am trying to do. :D
View attachment 289705

Gonna need to fink about that when I have had less units ;).


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