Well it is now confirmed, after moaning because they were not allowed, there are no Freelanders coming laning.

Well it is now confirmed, after moaning because they were not allowed, there are no Freelanders coming laning.

Stop yer moaning. I has a betterer offer that day but I'm running mondo at the moment so won't be going. I dun't need the hassle of having you lot pick on me all day. :doh: :rolleyes:
Stop yer moaning. I has a betterer offer that day but I'm running mondo at the moment so won't be going. I dun't need the hassle of having you lot pick on me all day. :doh: :rolleyes:

I ain't moaning, I'm laughing :D:D:D:D Just like I'm going to every time you try to tell us Freelanders are good off road.
Nowt wrong with Freelanders. :p

Just because I dun't want to drive 200 miles to hang out with freaks all day it dun't mean there's anything wrong with Freelanders. :eek:

I loves ma Freelander I does. :p
Stop yer moaning. I has a betterer offer that day but I'm running mondo at the moment so won't be going. I dun't need the hassle of having you lot pick on me all day. :doh: :rolleyes:

hippo's doors have fell off thats why he is in a mondo!

ps what's a mondo?


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