I duz grin like a loon driving ma fender, wiv ma pig snorting away in the back, a cold right elbow and a wet neck:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
Looks like the eye brows have gone. :eek:

Stooopid people putting a warning symbol on a product aimed at kids. :doh:
Haven't watched tonights yet, but I wouldn't trust those clowns to run a bath, never mind a company:rolleyes::rolleyes:
They do have some strange ideas and assumptions. To the point they will lie to sell. It was interesting to see this week the bird who said she couldn't cook but owned a cake shop. She used terms like sweating an onion. she forced the other bird into the kitchen as there was more lime light in the advertising. Very sneaky. If it wernt' for them winning, then this woujld have been a pivotal point in the sacking. But the other bird who didn't taste her own cooking would have been hung out to dry so she got away with it.
We've run out of teabags again and it's a right tip in ere. :mad:

Have you Gaylanderers been having a pamper party, it smells like a tarts boudoir in ere:eek::eek: feckin tidy up all your hair care products, and get to the shop:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Get some chocolate hob nobs while your there, and some milk and sugar as well;););)
^ I own a Freelander!!!............................................................................................................................................................so now I take the Bus!!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I has ordered a big roll on/oft skip fer Thursday to take away the rubbish. I should be oft work thursday so I'll make a start then. Skip man said it was free. :confused:

Freelanders rule. :)
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Bit of advice. fold the back seat down. you'll get more rubbish in the gaylander, before ya put it in the skip.
Better make it two skips, i've just had a look in the outhouse :eek:
Was thinking of making that into a Freelander workshop for the occasional fix. Roof it tall enough to get a tratter in so we'll make good use of it instead, now we've moved in permanently. ;)

they like em pink in here
Had a really busy day today. Skips full to the top and the truck struggled to pull it aboard. Driver said the skip was free because most of the contents would be metal and we'd get some money for it in return, after their share. So I intend to use it to buy a block booking of refreshments from Sainsbury's so we can have regular sugar/teabags/milk/cookies delivered for many months to come. :)

Freelanders rule. :)

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