a typical tratters missus
Where's the feckin biscuits, have you troughed them all...AGAIN:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Had a really busy day today. Skips full to the top and the truck struggled to pull it aboard. Driver said the skip was free because most of the contents would be metal and we'd get some money for it in return, after their share. So I intend to use it to buy a block booking of refreshments from Sainsbury's so we can have regular sugar/teabags/milk/cookies delivered for many months to come. :)

Freelanders rule. :)
I is happy to announce that me internet is fixed. :)

Last month I received an email telling me my ips would upgrade my connection. Some eggscuse about BT chucking out old kit. After some cocks ups at their end my 8mb broadband fell from 7mb to 3. Now they has fixed it it's up to 16mb. So I is a happy hippo. :)

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