Come on 'ere to cheer myself up.
W managed to fall in the hen run today at about 11 a.m. no big deal she thought so she got on with cleaning out the hen shed. Then she came in and I helped her remove her wellibob things.
Her left ankle, the one on her paralysed foot, was swollen up to buggrey.
So I told her, "It's off to orspicle for you, lass!"
Set off at about 12.30, arrived back home at about 7 p.m.
She has fractured an ankle bone so will be off that foot for 6 weeks.
Well whoopee do, that is only about just less than a quarter of our time over here. 😢 😢 😢
So guess who is going to be doing non-stop gardening and other stuff? :rolleyes:
Luckily our doorways are just big enough to accomodate her fold-up wheelchair that we normally only use on ferries.
But she is in pain poor lass, and well fffed off about the whole situation.
She only ever seems to hurt herself over here. and it is always by falling over something..😢
Still all this heaving of her around as well as the extra work can only do my waistline good!
Sleep well folks!:):):)
That's not good news hope she makes a speedy recovery sods law always happens when not wanted 🚷🚷
....and to cap the day off I have just spent half an hour trying to clean spilt coffee out of my separate keyboard.
Done a @kevstar I think. Coaster stuck to the mug as I was lifting it.
Still seems to be working OK at the mo!
Cross fingas!
sleep well folks
Do you have sugar in your coffee that's what really mucks up electronic boards 😮😮
Mornin all.
As don't yet have crutches and the cage in her back, plus her other problems there, mean she can't hop. I actooly had to carry her to the bog this morning. God she weighs a ton, not her fault and she ain't a big lady nor overweight, she weighs 9 stone or more with clothes on.
So running around like a blue bottomed fly. Lots of the time moving stuff around so I can get her wheelchair in to places. To the upstairs bog in the bathroom was fun, not.
and getting up and down a spiral staircase with one dodgy leg, two hands and arms, and another that mustn't go on the floor.....:rolleyes:
So off out to chemists as well as normal shooping.
Just got to ring some friends to see if they have any crutches else I'll have to buy some. 😢
Have a good day folks.:):):)
Come on 'ere to cheer myself up.
W managed to fall in the hen run today at about 11 a.m. no big deal she thought so she got on with cleaning out the hen shed. Then she came in and I helped her remove her wellibob things.
Her left ankle, the one on her paralysed foot, was swollen up to buggrey.
So I told her, "It's off to orspicle for you, lass!"
Set off at about 12.30, arrived back home at about 7 p.m.
She has fractured an ankle bone so will be off that foot for 6 weeks.
Well whoopee do, that is only about just less than a quarter of our time over here. 😢 😢 😢
So guess who is going to be doing non-stop gardening and other stuff? :rolleyes:
Luckily our doorways are just big enough to accomodate her fold-up wheelchair that we normally only use on ferries.
But she is in pain poor lass, and well fffed off about the whole situation.
She only ever seems to hurt herself over here. and it is always by falling over something..😢
Still all this heaving of her around as well as the extra work can only do my waistline good!
Sleep well folks!:):):)
Rules like only. Poor W. Hope she feels OK and recovers faster than expected. :)
Mornin all.
As don't yet have crutches and the cage in her back, plus her other problems there, mean she can't hop. I actooly had to carry her to the bog this morning. God she weighs a ton, not her fault and she ain't a big lady nor overweight, she weighs 9 stone or more with clothes on.
So running around like a blue bottomed fly. Lots of the time moving stuff around so I can get her wheelchair in to places. To the upstairs bog in the bathroom was fun, not.
and getting up and down a spiral staircase with one dodgy leg, two hands and arms, and another that mustn't go on the floor.....:rolleyes:
So off out to chemists as well as normal shooping.
Just got to ring some friends to see if they have any crutches else I'll have to buy some. 😢
Have a good day folks.:):):)

Sorry hear to about Mrs SS. Re' crutches, are you an Amazon Prime customer? If so, order correctly sized adjustable jobbies from Amazon and they'll be with you tomorrow a.m. + they're always competitively priced.
Come on 'ere to cheer myself up.
W managed to fall in the hen run today at about 11 a.m. no big deal she thought so she got on with cleaning out the hen shed. Then she came in and I helped her remove her wellibob things.
Her left ankle, the one on her paralysed foot, was swollen up to buggrey.
So I told her, "It's off to orspicle for you, lass!"
Set off at about 12.30, arrived back home at about 7 p.m.
She has fractured an ankle bone so will be off that foot for 6 weeks.
Well whoopee do, that is only about just less than a quarter of our time over here. 😢 😢 😢
So guess who is going to be doing non-stop gardening and other stuff? :rolleyes:
Luckily our doorways are just big enough to accomodate her fold-up wheelchair that we normally only use on ferries.
But she is in pain poor lass, and well fffed off about the whole situation.
She only ever seems to hurt herself over here. and it is always by falling over something..😢
Still all this heaving of her around as well as the extra work can only do my waistline good!
Sleep well folks!:):):)

Oh dear ive only just just seen this, so sorry matey I hope she recovers quickly & isnt in too much pain.
Why dont you hire some help n chill out a bit. :)
Sorry hear to about Mrs SS. Re' crutches, are you an Amazon Prime customer? If so, order correctly sized adjustable jobbies from Amazon and they'll be with you tomorrow a.m. + they're always competitively priced.
Cheers mate.
What didn't help is that today, unbeknown to us, is yet another bank holiday.
I rang friends and one and her husband spent time on the other phone ringing around to find the "Pharmacie de Garde". She then rang them to check that they had crutches in. Which they did.
Luckily they are on the market place I was going to anyway. So I got a pair from them @€24 so not too bad and we ought to get some of that back as they were "prescribed". They injections she has to have every day for 4 weeks are a bit of a pain, but she can do them herself. @ 4.44€ each it adds up!
We are still to get the hospital bill.
And of course the silly beggars have written everything up in her unmarried name despite the fact that it isn't in her passport or on her GHIC card! So this will need sorting out before we can claim the money back from the French state for part of it and the rest from the insurance.
all fun.:rolleyes:
Oh dear ive only just just seen this, so sorry matey I hope she recovers quickly & isnt in too much pain.
Why dont you hire some help n chill out a bit. :)
As her carer I am used to it. She has been stuck in bed or off her feet before so I know what to do etc. It is actually more trouble finding help than doing it myself.
She has already used her crutches to go to the loo, So mobility is become less of a problem. Knowing her, keeping her from trying to do too much too soon will be the main problem. ;)
She already takes a ton of painkillers for her back so pian isn't an issue at the moment, or at least too much.
Thanks for the good wishes for both of us!:):):)

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