Eye put me bird baffs ootside earlier un gave em er bit er wash before fillin em. When fillin em with water it set me ouse fire alarm oft. :eek:
Tis a real land rover already. Ses so ont bonnet. Eye has changed it ter diesel un a number of other modifications.

Ows yer own Freelander going?
My current hairdresser mobile is going really well thank you although it features a blue badge not a green one ;):D
'ere @Hippo I saw one of these on a car the other night and thought of you freelander boys :p

Don't know how much the postage is to down under for @GrumpyGel though :D:D
Errmm, wot? Ow in the effin jeff...?
Eye has know eye deer. Eye were outside fillin me baff's with waterin can un me fire larm goes oft fer bout 5 seconds. After that it were beelpin every minute. Tis mains so eye switched t*t oft at leccy box. It continued so eye had er fight we it un gotted it down. It as er battery anorl so I took that oot. Might be flat or it dun't like the sound er waterin can water. T*t weren't beelpin before eye poured said water.

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