Might be the latter, is fire alarms int workin proper :D
Eye has free. Two of em is wurkerin and one is sat int kitchen waitin it's nuw battery when I charges one tup. It were that one which were playin tup. From where it is ont ceilin it can see me bird baffs though kitchen window.
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Eye were wotchin me bird baffs this mornin. No action fer them but eye were also wotchin several birds playin int me garden. Two were playing games following each other. They would then hide behind a bush then fly or hop under another bush. Eye think they live under that bush. When leaving the garden they would fly back and land ont fence before flying back under said hedge. I think they were waiting ont fence ter look out ter see if anything were about that would see them going ome to their bush. Me finks they asser nest under that there bush. There were also some baby birds anorl but not sure where they appeared from.
I has put an ickle bird feeder on me washin line. Hopefully the greedy bastid Starlins an pidgins wunt get a look in
Eye has free. Two of em is wurkerin and one is sat int kitchen waitin it's nuw battery when I charges one tup. It were that one which were playin tup. From where it is ont ceilin it can see me bird baffs though kitchen window. Devious little bastid it is.

You shouldn't use rechargable batteries in fire alarm / smoke detectorists .... a fireman tolds me that ...
You shouldn't use rechargable batteries in fire alarm / smoke detectorists .... a fireman tolds me that ...
Eye think this is because they dun't last as long as normal batteries. When batteries run out peeps often dun't have another spare to replace it. So the fire peeps warn not to use them as they will need changed more often and it will int crease the risk of them not being powered. Eye is a good lil hippo and has spares.
Is you avin sossijes an marshmellas...an beer? ;)
Atcherly I like the sounda that, time t dig out the firepit doodad, gots plenny a logs. :)

Baked tatties ?

Us boys be flyin solo this weekend as erself be wukkin. Important to keep em busy else em starts gettin uppity. Tiddun no hurry, us be burnin them gert brimbles fust an then will be start uv nice fire fer sossijes an teddies in foil.
Us boys be flyin solo this weekend as erself be wukkin. Important to keep em busy else em starts gettin uppity. Tiddun no hurry, us be burnin them gert brimbles fust an then will be start uv nice fire fer sossijes an teddies in foil.

Can I ask if you could paint the sossijes wivs marmite ?

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