Eye as opendid me bird baffs. They were be well packed int foam. Wobble er bit as the top er stand bit be not flat. But there be good un stable when eye sand oft concrete bump er bit flatterer.
I has got my pay rise ....£125.45 a munf .... anuvver review in June ...

Bollix. I gots 60 squid a munf an 40 a that I gotta giv to the guvment for me penshun (noo penshun rools an all that). Gissa job Dips? (industrial valves and pneumatics, heat interface units, general bodgery). ;)
Bollix. I gots 60 squid a munf an 40 a that I gotta giv to the guvment for me penshun (noo penshun rools an all that). Gissa job Dips? (industrial valves and pneumatics, heat interface units, general bodgery). ;)

I'm stunck in that nether world of pension / no pension ....

As a wimmins of over 60 I can't retire :rolleyes:, fair enough, I'd be bored anyways

But I get pensions for old firms that pay out at 60 yrs, and a widows pension from H&S , but I'm not allowed to pay too much into savings and pensions top ups ... they keep moving the goal posts anyway ...

1st I was due to retire at 63, then 65 ... now 66... talk of it getting to 68 by the time I catch up ...

So, feck 'em... I'm gonna spend it ...

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