Weather here. humph!
After a longish dry spell we have been rpomised more or less non-stop rain for the next 7 days or so.

So guess who jumped out of the house and onto the three wheeled weed-whacker!
Fing what looks like this, if this link works!

Two tanks of juice and the worst has been done.
Bit tired now, tis a bit of a beast to manhandle around! but happy with the result.
Just had two beers and a bacon sarnie.
Have decided this is the year W will speak French, so giving her the "bain français" treatment. Non-stop.
I think her problem is she is "verbophobic!"
A lot of "Ecoute et répète!" going on. Plus much waving of hands and synonym use!

She has yet to strangle me!! nor I her!!

Have a lovely day!

Eye got blocked on th@t link :confused:
"Drink water from the spring where the horse drinks. A horse will never drink bad water.
Make your bed where the cat sleeps.
Eat the fruit that was touched by the worm. Freely pick the mushrooms on which the insects sit. Plant your tree where the mole digs.
Build your house where the snake suns itself.
Dig your well where the birds build their nests in hot weather. Go to sleep and wake up with the chickens and you will reap the golden grain of the day.
Eat more green vegetables, and you will have strong legs and an enduring heart. Swim more often and you will feel on land like a fish in the water.
Look at the skies more often and not at your feet, and your thoughts will be clear and light.
Keep silent more often, speak less, and silence will reign in your soul, and your spirit will be calm and peaceful.”

Eye likes this. :):)
Eye got blocked on th@t link :confused:
You must have been a naughty boy!!
so just for you I played wiv it.

It looks quite skinny but weighs quite a bit when you keep having to lift or push down on the handles to shift it around. Or push it up or down hill. Whole thing weighs a bit moren 50 kgs.
Could be, though why it took nearly a year to sort of half set/ go gluey i have no idea. As I said we've done it before and never had this!!;););)
No added pectin nor sugar. I fink, re the sugar, would have to look at the recip, if I can find it. So all pectin would be natural.
But yerp could well be!;)

Every year is different sunshine rain heat cold depends on the specific gravity reading just a thought
Just thinking if the pectin and sugar levels are at a certain % it would set i.e. jam
Yes it would, but the recipe is way different from a jam recipe. And we make so much jam we know exactly how that goes.
Here is the very basic recipe we used.

Measure the juice into a large pan.

1. For every 100ml of juice, add 100ml of red wine and 120g of sugar.

2. Heat gently, stirring frequently until the sugar dissolves. Then cook for 2 hours on the lowest possible heat; this is to reduce it to a slightly more syrupy consistency but being careful not to boil it which would release the pectin in the fruit and start the setting process. Allow it to cool completely.

3. You then need to measure the quantity of syrup again (as it will have reduced), and add 300ml of Vodka to each 900ml (or 1 part vodka to 3 parts syrup).

4. Decant into cold, sterilised bottles.

We made the juice simply by squeezing the fruit in a muslin bag. Messy but bearable and reasonably quick.
Note the "heat it but don't boil it bit". Maybe that is where we went wrong and possibly overheated it.
But still weird it took this long to go funny.
Yes it would, but the recipe is way different from a jam recipe. And we make so much jam we know exactly how that goes.
Here is the very basic recipe we used.

Measure the juice into a large pan.

1. For every 100ml of juice, add 100ml of red wine and 120g of sugar.

2. Heat gently, stirring frequently until the sugar dissolves. Then cook for 2 hours on the lowest possible heat; this is to reduce it to a slightly more syrupy consistency but being careful not to boil it which would release the pectin in the fruit and start the setting process. Allow it to cool completely.

3. You then need to measure the quantity of syrup again (as it will have reduced), and add 300ml of Vodka to each 900ml (or 1 part vodka to 3 parts syrup).

4. Decant into cold, sterilised bottles.

We made the juice simply by squeezing the fruit in a muslin bag. Messy but bearable and reasonably quick.
Note the "heat it but don't boil it bit". Maybe that is where we went wrong and possibly overheated it.
But still weird it took this long to go funny.
Well someone failed dismally at step 2 then :-D

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