Cheap you lucky burgers!:)
Cheap you lucky burgers!:)
Afternoon folks:).

Insurance done on 2 bikes and 1 car I have now spent the last of my allowance:eek:, well apart from my slush fund stash;). £300 for the 3 only 3rd party fire theft. The young girl looked me up and down when I answered how old I was, I reckon she was think phwoor a good looking mature man, she was probably thinking what's an old man doing riding a Ducati:rolleyes:.
Off to the builders merchant for sand, cement and more pipe. Girl on the desk asks about transport (i.e did I want it delivered) I said no thanks, she looks out the window and wonders how I am gonna get it all in + 4m pipes in a 90, she couldn't see the little trailer;). The bloke loading looked at me a bit funny when I got me handsaw out the back and cut the pipes in arf chucked them in the back and off we went:D.

So should have enough now to finish me piles:eek::D.
Been windy but dry and clear batteries full, stuff your elecy bills where the sun don't shine:D.


You on solar too changed my batteries 2yrs ago for gel
...and its all put back together again. :D
Afternoon folks:).

Insurance done on 2 bikes and 1 car I have now spent the last of my allowance:eek:, well apart from my slush fund stash;). £300 for the 3 only 3rd party fire theft. The young girl looked me up and down when I answered how old I was, I reckon she was think phwoor a good looking mature man, she was probably thinking what's an old man doing riding a Ducati:rolleyes:.
Off to the builders merchant for sand, cement and more pipe. Girl on the desk asks about transport (i.e did I want it delivered) I said no thanks, she looks out the window and wonders how I am gonna get it all in + 4m pipes in a 90, she couldn't see the little trailer;). The bloke loading looked at me a bit funny when I got me handsaw out the back and cut the pipes in arf chucked them in the back and off we went:D.

So should have enough now to finish me piles:eek::D.
Been windy but dry and clear batteries full, stuff your elecy bills where the sun don't shine:D.


Ffs th@ts @ cr@p ending you could h@ve m@de it more entert@ining by putting @ll the ge@r
on your bike. :rolleyes::D
You on solar too changed my batteries 2yrs ago for gel

Yep been on I think 4 years now, and been paying for 2% of consumption, looking at a few more panels to get better capture in the winter months earlier in the day to try and get rid of that 2%:).

Apparently there was a notice that the electricity would be off the other day, Ok all our lights stayed on, and some think we are the crazy brits:confused:.

Believe I said you should get your CAD out a while ago:D.
Along with a cheap bit of board

Eee Lad. there's nowt cheeper than t'old worktop, and CAD? Wash yo mouff out wiv soap an waatah, boy!!
Am a pencil an paper bloke, me!;)

(It'd take me longer to learn how to do CAD even if I had a packet, than it would to do the whole room.)
Ideally I'd make a template out of ply but that's jeffin expensive now so it's not happening. ;)
Eee Lad. there's nowt cheeper than t'old worktop, and CAD? Wash yo mouff out wiv soap an waatah, boy!!
Am a pencil an paper bloke, me!;)

(It'd take me longer to learn how to do CAD even if I had a packet, than it would to do the whole room.)
Ideally I'd make a template out of ply but that's jeffin expensive now so it's not happening. ;)

Cardboard Aided Design :p:rolleyes:.


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