Swine innit!!


For every trattor owner ... ;)
Nice haul ...

Did you bribe the Gendamerie wivs some chocolate ?

So, you’ve been to Cornwall, eh?
Us boys dudden touch they cornish, they've no hem to their garments. There be them wot thinks that old Tamar be a river and us Debn boys do laugh! Them dudden unnerstan as Tamar be a ditch dug by loyal men uv Debn over sencheries. Twont be long afore them Corns do float away, bounce off the Scillies an gradually dissolve in that Sargasso Sea wot we is told of.
They gendarmes is darlins. Them did check us haul on way home and did laugh emselfs silly!!!
Wurd er wornin ter any vegans ont this ere fred. They said ont radio this mornin yer can't keeps pets as it int veganisum ter do so. Parently keepin em int captivity to eat, shorry care fer and be a friend to said pet int right anymore.

Un just int case the green lot is wonderin how yer bin out stoooopided by the vegans terday. Yer int. You lot is complainin bout carbon footprint print of ownin said pet. One assumes it creates co2 livin un there be a global warmin fer driving ter park or pet shop fer keepin it hexercised un noshed up.
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Us tratterererers knows how to live, beef stew n dumplings followed by blackberry (foraged) an apple crumble fer dinner tonight, reet nice anorl. Chuffed I went fer that run, now settled down to a Midsomer with an eye on a scotch later :D

Deserved it anorl as I overcame significant electric spaghetti earlier without a multi metre
Might be a suspenshun fing ? Spring and seat ok ?

Fanks Dips. All looked ok ( tho wot do I know) when I ad.the wils oft yesdi. Am learnin as I goes but I think t trackin might be oft. Fear I need t see Jerry the Fenderer, e knows is beans (an is reasonible). An t mot ain't far oft, so a once oer wont urt.
Sweet dreams frenz. :)
Nosiz meets grindystones agin fore too long. :rolleyes:
Sluks guds enuffs fer a drinkery!
Sewn lee fyfe pursents prufe, anna Hi-Pee-Aye shud avver age boot severn purse ents terbi enny gud.
(Can I get back to utilising the beautiful English language, or remain here in order to drip-feed you all a modicum of brain fodder?)
Tis ur when the spel chucker onest ter spel fings correctly when eye dun't. Yer got the same problem?
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Wurd er wornin ter any vegans ont this ere fred. They said ont radio this mornin yer can't keeps pets as it int veganisum ter do so. Parently keepin em int captivity to eat, shorry care fer and be a friend to said pet int right anymore.

Fing is, us peeps inna first part made frenz wiv wolves and wild cats for a gud reason inna first place. Was for our benefit. To my mind we now has a contract wiv said animals inna second part. We has a moochily beneficial rangement, no? (tho so often we let the poor little sods down).
For twits inna furd part to say this ain't proper is ridickilussnees of immense proportions. Can't we stick 'em orl on Sark or summink so the rest of us can jus get on wiv it?

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