Mornin. Nope. I works two jobs, little job tday.
Plus must try and find out why tratter is pulling right when brakin.
Had a look at the brakes an bled 'em yesterday, still pullin.
Am bit stumped right now, forum search next..
Ah a luvli Sundi peeps :)
Ryeiz awokeded swit mustbi getty uptime, sew gid moaning peeps itz Sundi, wotiz tdae orests frum thi lay boars.
Son snotup anitstill darque artsides, sweam stayinz putts fernow.
Avva guddun
Baksune mebbe ...
Tonights late burfday pressie ... looking forward to it ....

and I apologise in advance for any bad or out-of-character posts ...

Sluks guds enuffs fer a drinkery!
Sewn lee fyfe pursents prufe, anna Hi-Pee-Aye shud avver age boot severn purse ents terbi enny gud.
(Can I get back to utilising the beautiful English language, or remain here in order to drip-feed you all a modicum of brain fodder?)
Sluks guds enuffs fer a drinkery!
Sewn lee fyfe pursents prufe, anna Hi-Pee-Aye shud avver age boot severn purse ents terbi enny gud.
(Can I get back to utilising the beautiful English language, or remain here in order to drip-feed you all a modicum of brain fodder?)

Eye huds deruker dit efor ... susgoood ...

(If you wish to converse in the Queen's English you of course may do so) ... (whether you can or not is up to you) .... ;):D
Us boys av raided the lands uv our naybers an av took loads uv prisoners. Us did us escape under cover uv darkniss and will be interrogaten prisoners dreckly. Us wud laike ter point out that prisnurs'll be treated cordin ter Geneva Convention .


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