Lovely mornin ere too. :)
Tekkin Mrs to orspitle later (nuffin serious) so took the day oft. :D
I have a list of chores :oops:
After searchin fer saveMoneySaveWater reviews eye realise bingate tis more unlikely ter be solved un we first finked. Eye fort it were me water company or a subsidiary of. Looks like it's a separate company they point yer to. It wood seem collectively most review sites ave em down as 0 or 1 udder 5. :(
I didn't save much water yesterday, re-plumbing me baffroom. Working under the floor to make some new connections, 18 inches headroom. Got well sprayed cutting through the old pipes as the residual pressure drained off, and one joint leaked when the water was turned back on. Soaked two sets of overalls and had to put them through the washing machine afterwards. And to add insult, the missus said I would need to take out more than the three floorboards to get me under the floor - she was right, my arse is 4 planks wide :(.

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