Best keep quite then;).
You dont want to hear the "well get out and you can walk home then" in your present condition it could take a while:eek::D.

Good luck:)

Must admit I was wondering why being one nut short makes driving more difficult.
Maybe his underclatters being sore makes moving his legs and feet painful.
Anyway, whatever, my sympathies to him and hoping he is on the mend.;););)
OK, you've now got me wondering what 3 letter word he is rubbing!!!
Wordle we won't!:D:D:D:D

Like yer belly button come undone? I ad one of them. An a linguinal flavor anorl.
My belly button just suddenly had a bit sticking out that you could push back in, but it would come out again.
I went in to have it done and asked them to do a vasectomy at the same time, BOGOF style.
There were a load of students in a crowd around the bed when the surgeon chatted to me before the op.
He asked me "What were you doing when it popped?"
"Having sex!" I said which was the God's honest truth. (It was a bit painful and put me off my stroke a little. First time with a new lady as well.:(
But it all went OK in the end, until the next time when she became pregnant due to a condom malfunction!:(:(:()
Turned into a very short relationship!
Anyway the students etc said nothing but the thinking was deafening!!!:D:D:D:D
To me Linguini is a sort of pasta so you have lost me there.
Hope yours stayed mended, mine didn't and I now have a hernia that goes right up me tum to me ribs.:(:(:(
Oh dear mate, quick edit this or you'll get into trouble, dont forget this isn't Top Totty or anywhere else in the "Anything Goes" part of the forum.

Ooops, have removed link but will leave the **** to brighten up everyone's day :D

Pls address any complaints to:
The Chairman
No Humour & Whinge Buckets Dept
c/o Blue Peter
BBC Television Centre
London W1A 1AA
My belly button just suddenly had a bit sticking out that you could push back in, but it would come out again.
I went in to have it done and asked them to do a vasectomy at the same time, BOGOF style.
There were a load of students in a crowd around the bed when the surgeon chatted to me before the op.
He asked me "What were you doing when it popped?"
"Having sex!" I said which was the God's honest truth. (It was a bit painful and put me off my stroke a little. First time with a new lady as well.:(
But it all went OK in the end, until the next time when she became pregnant due to a condom malfunction!:(:(:()
Turned into a very short relationship!
Anyway the students etc said nothing but the thinking was deafening!!!:D:D:D:D
To me Linguini is a sort of pasta so you have lost me there.
Hope yours stayed mended, mine didn't and I now have a hernia that goes right up me tum to me ribs.:(:(:(

'Inguinal' prof. They put a gauze on the inside of the muscle an sowed me back up again. Looked a right mess at the time but is a neat scar now. Similar wif my belly button, I has a 'flatty' now
'Inguinal' prof. They put a gauze on the inside of the muscle an sowed me back up again. Looked a right mess at the time but is a neat scar now. Similar wif my belly button, I has a 'flatty' now
Just Goggled it!!!

Don't trust that gauze, heard too many horror stories about it.:eek::eek::eek:
Though maybe it has got better recently.;)
But glad for you that it is sorted!!:):):)

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