Morning All. :D
Dull & miserable. That's the weather, not me, I'm bright & breezy. :)
I am commanded to go and help to replace the roller wheels on my Son's sliding patio door today.
I've had 2 visits, I even bought the parts, but he has not done the job.
Have a good day. :D
I drove myself to work for the first time since May last year!! The Mitzy is nice to drive, the auto is quiet and the whole thing doesn't leak!

Superb news, th@t must h@ve felt @m@zing, well done ;):):)
I @lw@ys look @t Mitzy's c@use ive got onez, i @lw@ys w@nted one of these @ this one is for s@le
been w@iting for @ red one to come up but theyre very r@re mostly white n silver when they do come
up for s@le. Youll get fed up of the dryness n not he@ring @ny noises o_O:D
cheers, do you need to go by price or get taken in by the marketing? These arent the very cheapest but lots cheaper than halfrauds et al

4300K D3S
any ideas why ebay sellers selectively list cars they will fit? surely a D3S bulb is a standard fit for ANY car/truck/spaceship that takes a D3S bulb?? how can you say it fits a ford but not a citroen?
A colleague at IBM had "The Snip" and came into work a couple of days later claiming to be a little uncomfortable but able to work.
An Operator Desk needed moving at the customer's place and so "George" grabbed one end of it and the IBM engineer grabbed the other and "lifted".
Sadly, George had chosen the heavy end where all the big power-supplied were and in the effort he managed to pop his stitches.
He was then off work for several weeks. Moral: Don't rush things. :D
Take it easy @kevstar , we want you around for all the fun stuff for years to come mate. :)
I did summat similar. A day after a hernia operation, (not the modern keyhole surgery type) I was man--handling a ceramic sink unit and popped my stitches. Seeing as it was a bank holiday, I didnt bother going to the gp for 3 days, by then it had gone septic, doctor gave me a right bolloking but not as much as the wife did when she found out her kitchen wouldnt be finished for a.couple of months.

Morning All. :D
Dull & miserable. That's the weather, not me, I'm bright & breezy. :)
I am commanded to go and help to replace the roller wheels on my Son's sliding patio door today.
I've had 2 visits, I even bought the parts, but he has not done the job.
Have a good day. :D
With your dodgy neck?
A sliding patio door is a very heavy mutha.
I wouldn't go anywhere near it!!!
Maybe if he has got it off and it is lying to a table or summat.;)
I did summat similar. A day after a hernia operation, (not the modern keyhole surgery type) I was man--handling a ceramic sink unit and popped my stitches. Seeing as it was a bank holiday, I didnt bother going to the gp for 3 days, by then it had gone septic, doctor gave me a right bolloking but not as much as the wife did when she found out her kitchen wouldnt be finished for a.couple of months.

In my case it was an umbilical hernia and a bog cistern.
Over Christmas. It didn't appear for a long time.:(
Hernia ops should come with a warning.
"No sanitary ware";)
Superb news, th@t must h@ve felt @m@zing, well done ;):):)
I @lw@ys look @t Mitzy's c@use ive got onez, i @lw@ys w@nted one of these @ this one is for s@le
been w@iting for @ red one to come up but theyre very r@re mostly white n silver when they do come
up for s@le. Youll get fed up of the dryness n not he@ring @ny noises o_O:D

Looks a bit hairdressery. Your op hasn't affected your mind has it? :eek::D
any ideas why ebay sellers selectively list cars they will fit? surely a D3S bulb is a standard fit for ANY car/truck/spaceship that takes a D3S bulb?? how can you say it fits a ford but not a citroen?

There are probably many buyers that only just know what make of car they have, let alone actually read the manual to find out what bulb they have, (or to take it out to look and check)
Some probably think they are bulbs like they buy in B&Q for the house:eek::rolleyes:.

Also think that the "list it fits" is generated from evilbay and not the seller, they often say not to trust it;). I may have dreamt that bit;).


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