We've been staying in a converted railway signal box this weekend. It's been done nicely, all light and airy, but they've populated it with heavy dark wood furniture. Might be contemporary, but it don't wuk.
We know the owner and are the test crew, he wants an honest critique coz he wants silly money. He's gunna get one! I'll try an puts up a pic.
We everyday eat off and sit on a 1950s dining suite. Oak but slim legged and very practical. Wedding present to my parents, made by a good maker, Russell of Broadway. Same as this but we have reupholstered it in more tasteful material!
I have repaired all of the chairs once, some twice and both the sideboard and table need work. But deffo not heavy and not dark wood.
TBH surprised at the price!
Maybe he needs stuff like this!
Ere yar..

Bugger, won't upload.
Is the signal box at Droxford ole station iffn you is bovverd :)


so this is what you meant?
(just went to the website and copied and pasted. Looks quite nice aksherly! not that'I'd like the brass bedstead!)
Morning All. :D
No idea what the day is like, hang on. OK its not raining but dull as ditch-water. :)
After Back cracker manipulated the right joint this week the numb hands went away for at least 2 nights.
Until, I lifted that ridiculously heavy bender up onto my workbench yesterday. Now its back.
Have a lovely Sunday. :D
Oh dear.so sorry about that.:(:(
But at least you know that getting it to go away is possible. ;)
Hope it gets fixed again soon.:)
I do understand your point although I did not lift it with my neck (or any part of my neck). Maybe all the bits are connected together in some cunning way? :rolleyes:
I find when lifting heavy stuff it is better if I hold my head downwards. Really downwards! Cos otherwise my neck has a problem and the ends of the thumb and first two fingers of my left hand go numb(er).
It is counter intuitive cos you obvs want to see where you are going, bit works for me.
(Just sayin!):).
I hope everyone is h@ving @ good weekendz, I got @ll sl@tes moved only one thing held me up
well 2 sort off, firstly the biggest p@llet w@s rotten n fell @p@rt when I lifted it :mad: yup dis@ster lol
2nd the m@chine put up @ f@ult code @fter I h@d the legs down so wouldnt drive n I blocked the
ro@d n my neebs couldnt get out :D:D

L@ndy clutch w@s low on fluid n the clutch pumped up, must check it before I go outz, think I'll
go @ wee drive up to glencoe. :):)
Well we've done nearly nowt this weekend so we haven't had disasters like yours.
Do sincerely hope not too many slates got brucked. :(:(:(
and that you were able to shift the "machine". ;)
And that you enjoyed Glencoe!!!!:):):)
We everyday eat off and sit on a 1950s dining suite. Oak but slim legged and very practical. Wedding present to my parents, made by a good maker, Russell of Broadway. Same as this but we have reupholstered it in more tasteful material!
I have repaired all of the chairs once, some twice and both the sideboard and table need work. But deffo not heavy and not dark wood.
TBH surprised at the price!
Maybe he needs stuff like this!

Correction, from the description, walnut and ash not oak and NO that is not the "0riginal material" the original was darkish green with tiny white crosses on it in regular rows. And we DO have the two carvers which have gone missing from this one!;)

(If anyone cares!);)
It has bin a terrybull time recently. Each cucumber eye buys has gone oft. All because of pootin and thems taking the date oft food so we dunt waste it. Eye only everer used it assa guide. Iffit were still ok eye continued to eat it. Eye issa creature of abbit. Cucumber in me wuks sandwiches every day. But recently said cucumbers have gone oft too soon leaving me wiv bread and butta only. In these difficult times eye has made the decision to move to tomartoes. Eye bort 6 last fursdi and hadda trial run frydi. It went ok so eye has come to the conclusion to move to tomartoes and accept the higher price in future. Yer can geuss their age betterer so eye shud be able to pick oot the good ones. Sainsberrys can shuv their cucumbers where they fit.
Correction, from the description, walnut and ash not oak and NO that is not the "0riginal material" the original was darkish green with tiny white crosses on it in regular rows. And we DO have the two carvers which have gone missing from this one!;)

(If anyone cares!);)

Yes, that's what I had I'm mind. Lighter colour wood, lighter build. I had Ercol in mind frinstance.

(The bed worked just fine fangyouvermuch :))

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