Would that be on an Oleo strut?
(Learned about them when doing "Engines and Airframes" for one of my Cadet badges.) ;)

I think it’s part of the extend/retract bit. Behind the main leg

It has bin a terrybull time recently. Each cucumber eye buys has gone oft. All because of pootin and thems taking the date oft food so we dunt waste it. Eye only everer used it assa guide. Iffit were still ok eye continued to eat it. Eye issa creature of abbit. Cucumber in me wuks sandwiches every day. But recently said cucumbers have gone oft too soon leaving me wiv bread and butta only. In these difficult times eye has made the decision to move to tomartoes. Eye bort 6 last fursdi and hadda trial run frydi. It went ok so eye has come to the conclusion to move to tomartoes and accept the higher price in future. Yer can geuss their age betterer so eye shud be able to pick oot the good ones. Sainsberrys can shuv their cucumbers where they fit.
All brown furniture, especially Victorian chunky stuff fetches nothing ...

I bought four Edwardian dining chairs for £1 nor that long ago ...
I'd expand that to just about all older furniture.
My folks were in the antiques trade.. many items that were in the £2-3k bracket less than a decade ago, now selling for low hundreds or less. Only the very 'top end' furniture is holding any kind of value and auction houses have become a ripoff

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