No just a generation thing, i assume. I always know them as a non return.. asked guy in the shop, he asked me if i meant a one way valve

I has been in valves (industrial and pneumatic, now hydronic) fer nearly 40 year. NRV or check valve in my experience, few peeps say one way valve though it's the best name descriptively, with lots of sub divisions depending on duty. Swing, lift, piston, axial, double door, weighted, ball (spring, floating or sinking - steady Stan) cone, etc. Most notably 'duck billed'. :)
There endeth the (bore) lesson, you can close your notebooks now :D
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Yes, that's what I had I'm mind. Lighter colour wood, lighter build. I had Ercol in mind frinstance.

(The bed worked just fine fangyouvermuch :))
I have to say that the heavy leather easy furniture reminded me of the "rustique" furniture so common in France. weh have several friends who have it.
Ercol would be very good, and, as I said, it is still very popular and always goes at a premium in Ringwood auction. You can look though their past catalogues to see the prices if you is bovvad!
The clean lines of our stuff seems to go in both our 1920s previous house and our present 1980s place. We'll never get rid, even though sideboards seem to have dropped out of favour. Our top drawer is divided and lined for cutlery but the other two are plain and simple. One cupboard takes bottles and the other on two levels takes glasses, jam and marmalade pots, crockery, etc. So practical. both for cocktails and for other meals. The Frogs all seem to have huge bits of furniture with display cupboards above, glass fronted. Credenzas or whatever the Merkins call them. They like us see meal times as being sooo important. none of that, "Sit on the sofa in front of the TV eating out of a bowl with your fingas " rubbish.
(i've prolly upset a few peeps now!);)
Not got anything against brass bedsteads per se, except they do tend to creak rather when indulging in.............antics!!:eek::eek:;);):D:D
Get yerself a FL2 un tell yer bruvva yer copied me norrim.
Like this one? Only £4k
Thinking about going to Hawkstone MX in a couple of weeks. £40 for an adult!! The response to the price seems to be.. well it's not bad compared to other events...
Is that what it's come to now?? Pricing compared to other events rather than how much you're making from it???
I has been in valves (industrial and pneumatic, now hydronic) fer nearly 40 year. NRV or check valve in my experience, few peeps say one way valve though it's the best name descriptively, with lots of sub divisions depending on duty. Swing, lift, piston, axial, double door, weighted, ball (spring, floating or sinking - steady Stan) cone, etc. Most notably 'duck billed'. :)
There endeth the (bore) lesson, you can close your notebooks now :D
I love that you gave me a "mench". I was in pneumatics/fluidics back in 1975/6 and yep I always called them NRVs or checks.
Valves really are fun, and the company i worked for did valves for anything including steam, which really eats the wrong sort of valve!
The impulse generator was the best thing we did as our competitors had no simple way of doing it.
Long time ago now and I am sure things have moved a long way on!;)

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