Morning folks, walk done and off to have breakfast and a lazy day. How is everyone.

Brill, but tired ...

Got Dad up and in his chair by 06:30, all tableted and washed ...
Scrubbed his bathroom floor three times to get the plasticy paint off that the decorators dropped and hid under a thin coat of white emulsion stirred around with a dirty mop ... :mad: it's a wet room so textured floor surface ...
Morning @ll :) Drizzley here :mad: should h@ve guessed it :rolleyes: im off to get the m@nitou to shift my
p@llets of sl@tes, should be interesting @s they @re just thrown onto the p@llets n not very well
org@nised :oops: now wondering if the l@ndy h@s @ny clutch so th@t needs moved first.

B@ck l@ter njoy yer d@y peeps :):)
Watching Last Leg and the auction while awaiting groceries delivery.
My life is sooo exciting!!!
Can I take any more?:rolleyes:
(W has won some bits, lost others and the overlocker still hasn't come up yet, nor the 4 shooting sticks, (two brand new) ).
Silver seems to be going more expensive and gold cheaper. :confused:
Have a fun day folks.:):):)
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Afternoon folks:).

Yesterday very sunny, today the same:). Temps still low but in the sunny is lovely, still dropping at night thou;). Snow nearly all melted.

So took the L322 to the man that likes to fix it at good labour rates:D. Had to fire up the fender to follow and get home, again wasnt happy starting in the cold (on gas) but hoping the 60mile run has made the battery a bit happier. One of the indicators seemed to have got very excited about the trip and is now flashing twice as fast:rolleyes:. On checking yep back indicator not playing along with the tail light same side, so I guess (maybe tommoz) i will be taking my own advice and checking. Lamps, Earths and for crud:).

So we picked up take away for yesterday, also a salad for today, nice to have a salad this time of year. A nice salad with grapes and a light blue cheese:).

Hope the weather keeps improving from now, seems it will. We have not burnt through 12 cubes yet this year which shows how mild it has been;).

Happy week end all:). Gonna be flexing some plastic on things for the summer service of the fender as a treat:).

Afternoon folks:).

Yesterday very sunny, today the same:). Temps still low but in the sunny is lovely, still dropping at night thou;). Snow nearly all melted.

So took the L322 to the man that likes to fix it at good labour rates:D. Had to fire up the fender to follow and get home, again wasnt happy starting in the cold (on gas) but hoping the 60mile run has made the battery a bit happier. One of the indicators seemed to have got very excited about the trip and is now flashing twice as fast:rolleyes:. On checking yep back indicator not playing along with the tail light same side, so I guess (maybe tommoz) i will be taking my own advice and checking. Lamps, Earths and for crud:).

So we picked up take away for yesterday, also a salad for today, nice to have a salad this time of year. A nice salad with grapes and a light blue cheese:).

Hope the weather keeps improving from now, seems it will. We have not burnt through 12 cubes yet this year which shows how mild it has been;).

Happy week end all:). Gonna be flexing some plastic on things for the summer service of the fender as a treat:).

So you don't like "playing" wiv your L322 then?:confused:
So you don't like "playing" wiv your L322 then?:confused:

TBH, the garage has a P38 in that I am taking parts off (slowly might finish end feb) so would have to drag that out and tidy first.
Also their labour rates are pretty good and they do look after us (free LR recovery card that we shouldnt have really), As its for front air suspension bags replacement they can have the joy of it. They will do it quicker than me, probably without as much blood and swearing too;).

Its not that I wont do stuff, I do small bits. But sometimes its better to get on with life and let somebody else deal with it:).

Now when I get bored cos the "todo" list is gone, things maybe different;).

TBH, the garage has a P38 in that I am taking parts off (slowly might finish end feb) so would have to drag that out and tidy first.
Also their labour rates are pretty good and they do look after us (free LR recovery card that we shouldnt have really), As its for front air suspension bags replacement they can have the joy of it. They will do it quicker than me, probably without as much blood and swearing too;).

Its not that I wont do stuff, I do small bits. But sometimes its better to get on with life and let somebody else deal with it:).

Now when I get bored cos the "todo" list is gone, things maybe different;).

I think my "to do" list runs across the room, out the house, down the road, into the churchyard and into a 6 foot hole!!!;)
But do agree that making the decision what to give others to do and what you can do yourself is sometimes a difficult one.:(
I recently chickened out of doing the big front ball joints despite having bought the spares and the tooling to do it. Just changed the boots and that got me through the MOT. ;)
I tend to try and steer clear of jobs where, if I can't finish it I am left up poop creek as I can't go and put it back the way it was.:eek:
And does your Wifey keep adding things to it as you cross ones off. Not at the bottom, but in the middle, just above summat you really would like to do?
Mine does!!!:(:(

I always get "We really must do" I have yet to work out how "We" suddenly became singular, as in ME:eek:. But hey what else would I do;).

To be fair and incase M reads this (I would like to wake up tomorrow) If I say I am going to do "this" its fine, so all's fair in a loving relationship that works both ways:).

oops, just realised I bought the wrong Sony stereo! It'd be OK 'cept it is a bit more modern.
BUT the one we wanted has also not sold so we should get that one for £20 plus commission anyway.
Juat have to decide what to do with the spare one. Might put it in the garage!
all good fun!!:):):)
(Leather Parker Knoll suite, three seater settee and two reclining armchairs went for £150. Why look elsewhere?) We didn't want it but still :):):)
Good win, and I have no clue, but £95 for a table sounds reasonable;):p.
And you just made up another thing to confuse @kevstar on porpoise didn't ya:rolleyes:.

Next is do they work;). Otherwise its going on the list:eek:.
There was a piece of overlocked material with it to show it works and a Singer machine is so simple .....
We don't really want it. W has a few miuch more modern machines and I also have an electric Singer but its motor isn't fully on song. So if this one is better it is a win win.
As for the table, well it is a 1950s special sewing table, so no on is interested in it. Ornery furniture goes for firewood prices. a 6 seat dining suite, upholstered chairs with a decent hardwood table, didn't sell at all. Pine doesn't sell unless someone has splashed some paint on it to make it "shabby(tat)chic" then it will go. Certain makes like Ercol sell pretty well. But still pretty cheap. I wish things had been like this when I was trying to furnish my very first house with no money.
Blimey how hard does it have to be??
I want a washer pipe non return valve.. why can't sellers give the pipe size instead of which vehicle? Most use the same diameter pipes.. but i suppose a land rover one is going to be more expensive than a lada one, even though it's the same item
Blimey how hard does it have to be??
I want a washer pipe non return valve.. why can't sellers give the pipe size instead of which vehicle? Most use the same diameter pipes.. but i suppose a land rover one is going to be more expensive than a lada one, even though it's the same item
"washer pipe"? do you mean "water pipe"?
Agree with the sentiment though. An NRV is an NRV.
suppose you have Googled the diam you want?!

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