...that among other stuff that W saw when she went to the viewing for tomoz's auction, was an overlocker, just plonked on top of a modernish sewing machine set into a non-descript 50s table. ;)
The overlocker wasn't in the catalogue, so she had to ask if it was a different lot, although she'd been throught the whole list.
Nope, it was just an oversight.:):):):):)
So that knocks out all the online competition and much reduces the chances of bidders bidding on it. W is cockahoop!:):):)
So obvs she stuck a big commission bid in for it, as well as her usually jewellery bids.
Another lot should contain her forthcoming Valentine's Day present, and it's not a bit of bling neever!;)
So that is tomoz's fun sorted out. :D:D:D:D:D
Hope you all had a good day!
I have a couple more to see but I am determined to buy a vehicle this weekend :D
Oh dear.
Not a good frame of mind to be buying in, if you'll allow me to say so.
I'd hate to see you "marry" in haste only to repent at leisure.
I had to buy my D2, or any another auto Disco, in a hurry as I'd had to stop driving for medical reasons and W can only drive autos. We looked around like mad and in the end settled on this one as were running out of time. I thought it needed a head gasket so got it a bit cheaper.
It was only through luck that in fact it turned out not need the work.
(This is me being grown up for once, dosn't happen often, please forgive me):(:(:(
...that among other stuff that W saw when she went to the viewing for tomoz's auction, was an overlocker, just plonked on top of a modernish sewing machine set into a non-descript 50s table. ;)
The overlocker wasn't in the catalogue, so she had to ask if it was a different lot, although she'd been throught the whole list.
Nope, it was just an oversight.:):):):):)
So that knocks out all the online competition and much reduces the chances of bidders bidding on it. W is cockahoop!:):):)
So obvs she stuck a big commission bid in for it, as well as her usually jewellery bids.
Another lot should contain her forthcoming Valentine's Day present, and it's not a bit of bling neever!;)
So that is tomoz's fun sorted out. :D:D:D:D:D
Hope you all had a good day!

right then wtf is @ cockahoop :eek:
Oh dear.
Not a good frame of mind to be buying in, if you'll allow me to say so.
I'd hate to see you "marry" in haste only to repent at leisure.
I had to buy my D2, or any another auto Disco, in a hurry as I'd had to stop driving for medical reasons and W can only drive autos. We looked around like mad and in the end settled on this one as were running out of time. I thought it needed a head gasket so got it a bit cheaper.
It was only through luck that in fact it turned out not need the work.
(This is me being grown up for once, dosn't happen often, please forgive me):(:(:(
I know what you mean, don't worry my Mrs will keep me focused! Finding a petrol auto is proving difficult so it will probably end up diesel.
I also need a towbar fitted so the choice is even smaller :( buying out of desperation is never good but hey ho it's just until I can get the 90 upgraded to auto :)
I know what you mean, don't worry my Mrs will keep me focused! Finding a petrol auto is proving difficult so it will probably end up diesel.
I also need a towbar fitted so the choice is even smaller :( buying out of desperation is never good but hey ho it's just until I can get the 90 upgraded to auto :)
I know what you mean, and i sincerely do hope you find summat to suit!:):):)
I pr@nked my m@te tod@y when we were cle@ring out @ building...eye found @ c@rd to @ll the
st@ff members of the comp@ny but I put @ lo@d of c@sh in it then pretended id just found it n opened
it in front of him, you should h@ve seen his f@ce light up then I burst out l@ughing :D:D:D

Priceless :D:D:D
A plumber was once working on his own in a big, creepy old building that my ex s-i-l was also working on. He was doing something where he had to cut quite a big, hand sized, hole in the floor. My mate silently moved into the floor below, set up a set of steps and waited for his moment, then reached a hand through the hole and grabbed his wrist.
He nearly needed a change of underwear. :D:D:D
Always loads of pranks in the building!!
Love it!;):)
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Morning All. :D
Not bad out there at all this morning.
Wifey is going "cleaning" at her Mum's today. :oops:
The old gal is in denial that she is "missing" the toilet although the entire bog & floor have gone yellow and the place "pongs" a bit and we keep finding the washing line with end-to-end "toilet doilies" on it (I kid you not). :(
I declined to get involved in old-lady wee and recommended they get a proper cleaner in. :)
Her brother bailed on the issue and sided with his Mum ("no cleaners") he says him and his wife will do it. :rolleyes:
Have a good day. :D

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