Oh the misses h@s gottit @ bl@ck eye @s she w@s shoppin in morrisons n got @ mulit p@c
of crisps off the higher shelf n @ bit of shelfing c@me sliding down n wh@cked her in the f@ce :eek:

Went to see the customer services to see @bout recording it in there @ccident book but they didnt
h@ve @ clue wh@t to do :rolleyes: m@n@ger @pe@rs n give her @ bottle of prosecco n box of chocs.
took her det@ils down on @ scr@p bit o p@per. shes no h@ppy h@ving @ keeker.
hope no one finks it w@s me.
Good and inventive cover story there basher. ;)
Blimey Kev that's terrible.
It's illegal for the shop not to have a means of recording accidents (well in engerland anyway). Yer missus should contact Morrisons head office by email so she can keep a record of communication. Also health & safety executive, whatever it is in Scotland. In England Environmental Health deal with this stuff. Also make sure you have photos of her injuries. Hope no serious damage done and that she gets better soon. :)

T@ much, she is going to em@il them i h@ve t@ken pics @lso. When i h@d @ mot g@r@ge it
w@s the l@w to h@ve @n @ccident book now 15 ye@rs @go id im@gine th@t its done online
now. o_O Some of the comments in the book were hil@rious wish id kept it. :D

Th@nx ;)
Morning all, had a nice lay in today :) off to play radio and see who else will talk to me :D
T@ much, she is going to em@il them i h@ve t@ken pics @lso. When i h@d @ mot g@r@ge it
w@s the l@w to h@ve @n @ccident book now 15 ye@rs @go id im@gine th@t its done online
now. o_O Some of the comments in the book were hil@rious wish id kept it. :D

Th@nx ;)

I once had a site in Lunnen, where a full pack of plywood was landed over an open hatchway into a basement. The pack gradually reduced until a chippie picked up the last sheet and walked forwards. He fell through the hatch and the plywood landed and covered the hole he had just fallen through. His mate lifted the ply to see where he had gone and fell through the hatch and landed on top of the chippie. The two entries in the accident book were worthy of a comedy script writers award. Luckily neither of them was badly hurt.

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