My Old Landy
Keep breathin'
I have updated my radio room but as I can't upload at the moment I can't show you a pic!
That's why I couldn't put up pictures of my radio rooms@ys i dont h@ve permission to view this p@ge when trying to uplo@d
oh well its still light here @tm the l@st few d@ys its been d@rk @t this time.
spring is coming![]()
That's why I couldn't put up pictures of my radio room![]()
h@ve you tried copying @ pic from somewhere like photobucket @ then p@ste it.....
see if this works....
What you doing with an RV8 engine??.
Fink you already know.
me likey very muchyness
im trying to get @ de@l on somit i better not s@y @nyfink in c@se it dont work out @ i look like @ coconut![]()
Is that why you took the missus for a romantic fish u chip supper yesterday?
nope th@t w@s @ bit of l@nd with @ c@r@v@n on it i thought i could do something with it
tis @ bit eggspensive for wh@t it is. fish n chips were superb tho![]()
Save your money for now, prices are gonna drop for all sorts of stuff soon, leading to plenty bargains.
Ours are done in an 'app', you log on at 6:30am and put down whats wrong and they triage from that. It works quite wellsometimes!