Cos if it is truely random it should eventually generate all the numbers it possibly can.
"Random numbers explained
For a number in a sequence or distribution to be truly random, it must be independent. The independence of numbers means there is no correlation between successive numbers. In addition, these numbers should occur in the distribution with approximately the same frequency."
From random number occurs in,on past or present ones.
So, given time, all the numbers in the distribution should get at least one hit.
The limitation is the number of times the wheel is spun as it were and the number of numbers in the distribution, which is kinda the same thing said in a different way.
Ernie could be bust or not being switched on often enough!!!
Think of monkeys, typewriters and Shakespeare. ;)

Most important word in all that..
If truly random then the odds of the machine picking the same number this month as next month are the same. Some numbers may never be picked..
Leccy car batteries are made from horrible stuff which the UK doesn't have any of, and it can't be recycled so has to go to landfill when the batteries die. And I bet they ain't cheap to replace after a few short years of use. Guvmints will inevitably review their carbon free goals and strategies when they eventually realise who they rely on for supplies. The current COP summit will be another load of buzz words and bollickz. Why has Charlie been told not to go????
Yer'll find recycling ov batteries is quite good. About 90% ov materials can be reused. Batteries will easily last 10 years.
Leccy car batteries are made from horrible stuff which the UK doesn't have any of, and it can't be recycled so has to go to landfill when the batteries die. And I bet they ain't cheap to replace after a few short years of use. Guvmints will inevitably review their carbon free goals and strategies when they eventually realise who they rely on for supplies. The current COP summit will be another load of buzz words and bollickz. Why has Charlie been told not to go????
Because e's the king. Kings un queens int allowd to have a political view or any view on anyfink in the uk. Its left for their gov to sort fings oot.
No it's not wrong, it's maffs/probability, but if all bonds were held for nigh on infinity, all of em should come up at least once.
OR Ernie does not generate truly random numbers and THAT is actually a massive problem, which is why they are now on version 5 of him. Obviously actually winning is a matter of luck, no dispute about that.
Ernie does generate random numbers. Each version of him does. He changed over time as technology improved so they could make him work faster because he workload increased over the years. It took days for him to do his testing and prize picking initially. His work load has gone up exponentual but he can now do it in less than a day. Also pump oot the results in a way they can transfer into a program that automates sending oot prizes.

Yer understanding ov averages dunt work. 1000 bonds. Pick 2000 winners. That dunt automatically mean each number will be drawed. Yer will find a lot wont. Try it. Some numbers will be picked many times more than the average. The scope of testing aint enuff to average out roughly the same. Now do the same test with 1000 bonds and pick 50k winners. Now it will average out bettrrer but there will still be some higher or lower than the average.

It is possible to pick 6 random numbers from 1 to 1000 inclusive, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to be drawed. It is posdible they come out in order forwards or backkuds. The odds of it happening are so high that we can assume roughlt it wont happen. But it is still possible it could.
The issue is the impact to the environment from mining the products that make the batteries. Not the leccy
The sucking oot ov deadded animals in the form of oil messes up the urf anorl. When yer compare the whole supply and manufacturing of leccy v diesel/petrol cars yer'll see leccy is less damaging to the environment. Fink about the biggerer picture like oil refineries. They is like concrete jungles. Shipping oil around the world. Digging batteries oot the ground aint all that bad in comparison.

The real issue is how much energy we use. If we did less travel that would be the greener option. When some countries is worrying about cows burping, we is bonkers on flying everywhere. In the uk we has money to waste on energy. Peeps sitting ootside wiv patio heaters to keep warm when its winter. They as gottid the heating on inside their house anorl. Worra waste.
Here is the plan...put another shutter inside the one thats there, & do a 300mm wide 300mm deep
pour all round for the main walls then back fill the middle with hardcore up to 100mm from the top
apart from the righthand side as this will be a very thin skim cause once its been inspected I'll dig
it up & put a pit in. :D:D Tis my crazy mates putting me up to this haha

if you can’t fit a lift a pit is the next best thing, I did builders fort I was crackers. (Not wrong really:)).

Most important word in all that..
If truly random then the odds of the machine picking the same number this month as next month are the same. Some numbers may never be picked..
Except, eventually, they should be, if the random number generator does its job properly.
but this argument is getting circular.
Some peeps find it very hard to accept the size of the numbers involved, yet they can accept that in a coin toss situation both sides of the coin will turn up. It is the same issue just on a much, much, much larger scale.
Ernie does generate random numbers. Each version of him does. He changed over time as technology improved so they could make him work faster because he workload increased over the years. It took days for him to do his testing and prize picking initially. His work load has gone up exponentual but he can now do it in less than a day. Also pump oot the results in a way they can transfer into a program that automates sending oot prizes.

Yer understanding ov averages dunt work. 1000 bonds. Pick 2000 winners. That dunt automatically mean each number will be drawed. Yer will find a lot wont. Try it. Some numbers will be picked many times more than the average. The scope of testing aint enuff to average out roughly the same. Now do the same test with 1000 bonds and pick 50k winners. Now it will average out bettrrer but there will still be some higher or lower than the average.

It is possible to pick 6 random numbers from 1 to 1000 inclusive, and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 to be drawed. It is posdible they come out in order forwards or backkuds. The odds of it happening are so high that we can assume roughlt it wont happen. But it is still possible it could.

I am not going to argue about this any more, you either understand the maths or you don't. You can read about it all over the internet.

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