Looks nice!
Phil, do you have a CB in your truck?

Ten four rubber ducky :D
Just get her a next base have them on all the vehicles hard wired into fusebox, nae bother
Suddenly dawned on me what you meant!
Nextbase is top of the list I came up with followed by Garmin then Black Vue, but then I saw the VIOFO A119 V3 which seems really good. Especially for the money.
I also discovered a thing called a "piggyback fuse". How have I never seen these before?
But as I said she has got a huff on. (She really thought she was just gonna pay Motabitz to fit summat. And do it yesterday.)
she'll come round.
I understand that more modern PV cells do not have to have direct sunlight in order to produce decent amounts of power.
My best roof (if there is one) faces S/W (I think) but I am not sure. 22 year payback on PV and I am possibly too old to see it break-even here in the UK.

The way the prices are going? Iwould also say to anybody use it to charge a battery or 2 even if it only powers lights and heating overnight, let’s face it what else do you run at night;).
If only to protect you from price hikes, cos let’s face it your money (even if interest rates go up) won’t keep up with inflation.


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