Luckily I didn't have to pay for mine
I live in a council owned bungalow and panels were on roof when I moved in, trouble is that the council turn them on and off so as they get paid for power certain times of day
I get power 8 hours in summer and six hours in winter so have to make the most of the power I get
Gas and electricity last year was just short of 600 quid for 12 months to April
Already on 556 quid this year and only six months in

We got our leccy bill in for this month 75 quid im sure it was meant to be 120. o_O
Nope…. We normally only use them in wood yards to tell the loaders to stop.

cannot find anywhere to put my small rig & 200watt burners :eek: plus the aerials won’t last long with tree never fitted it.

think the landy 1 has multi channels inc upper/lower on normal Fm
Unsure if it also has sideband
nope you're thinking of the sideboard.
Next to the Tallboy!!:D:D:D
You have to be so clean when you get you ham…
I know the landy has a 35w burner in it but won’t do no more as it’s only a little areal

when I had the home set up… that was 60foot up scaffold poles & would only be on late at night as it buzzed the neighbours TVs they complained so had to hide the aerial in a tree
Coor, this is all gettin a bit techknuckle!!:eek:
I understand that more modern PV cells do not have to have direct sunlight in order to produce decent amounts of power.
My best roof (if there is one) faces S/W (I think) but I am not sure. 22 year payback on PV and I am possibly too old to see it break-even here in the UK.
Our reason for not bovverin too, even in Frogland where the roof point doo saff!

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