Righto, consultant said the consensus is I've had a stroke so I'm now a fully fledged member of the meds4life club. While raft of heart tests still to come. At least I'm still getting older! Still able to annoy you lot.
Main thing now is to deal with the stress and anxiety. Couldn't walk to the end of the street yesterday
We will be here for you and bad times promise
You and me both. I was considering pulling the fuse out for my ground floor sockets and plugging a plug into one of the sockets while tother end of the cable is plugged into the genny. That should power the whole ring main but not bother the mains where it goes off to the meter etc as the fuse is out.
but then I can be a right nutter.
just seems easier than running extensions all over the place!
doubtless peeps will come on and tell me what a case I am!:rolleyes:

I was thinking the same (yer that your a nutter) :pThat makes two of us o_O:D
Think I'll have a look at the leccy over the weekend im sure I can rig it. :D
I was thinking the same (yer that your a nutter) :pThat makes two of us o_O:D
Think I'll have a look at the leccy over the weekend im sure I can rig it. :D
I'm a bit busy this weekend but I am definitely going to turn the electric off at the consumer unit and have a play. I intend to make up a cable from the thickest cable I can find in my stores with a 3 pin plug at each end. After what others have said I am now thinking I might leave the genny in the garage with the back door open and plug it into the wall plug there. Then see what happens once I plug the other end into the genny and start it.
My electric system is one above the old ceramic fusewire holders! Built in the 1980s it has fuses that are cylinders shaped in different sizes and colours. They are bugres to pull out without tools, mind you that may be because the fusebox is positioned in a slightly awkward place for me to access.
All good fun and still a shed load easier than even the easiest loom on a car!;)
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