Righto, consultant said the consensus is I've had a stroke so I'm now a fully fledged member of the meds4life club. While raft of heart tests still to come. At least I'm still getting older! Still able to annoy you lot.
Main thing now is to deal with the stress and anxiety. Couldn't walk to the end of the street yesterday
Righto, consultant said the consensus is I've had a stroke so I'm now a fully fledged member of the meds4life club. While raft of heart tests still to come. At least I'm still getting older! Still able to annoy you lot.
Main thing now is to deal with the stress and anxiety. Couldn't walk to the end of the street yesterday
I can't like that, glad you are still with us!!! Take it steady my friend, we are here for you.
Righto, consultant said the consensus is I've had a stroke so I'm now a fully fledged member of the meds4life club. While raft of heart tests still to come. At least I'm still getting older! Still able to annoy you lot.
Main thing now is to deal with the stress and anxiety. Couldn't walk to the end of the street yesterday
Welcome to the club and good luck! Fortunately, low stress and Land Rovers go together like peas and carrots. :)
Righto, consultant said the consensus is I've had a stroke so I'm now a fully fledged member of the meds4life club. While raft of heart tests still to come. At least I'm still getting older! Still able to annoy you lot.
Main thing now is to deal with the stress and anxiety. Couldn't walk to the end of the street yesterday
Sh!t mate.:(:(:(
Still once you know, you know, which is better than worrying what it might be.
Not saying for a moment that what you know is good, as it isn't. But at least there'll be prognosis, treatment plan etc etc.
So crossed fingers for all that is to come. ;)
Very best of luck mate. and again.
Commiserations. :(:(:(
TBH, I have a little emergency genny' for when the power goes out and like Stan I would be switching my main incoming breaker off and plugging a 3-pin plugged cable off the genny into my ring main and let it feed back to the bus-bars and all the other circuits. All I need is enough power to run the LED lights and operate the CH pump and controls for the gas-valve. The genny is only 3200 Watt 240v but it ought to run those items OK.
As long as the main breaker is tripped/thrown I can't see a huge problem. Changeover back to mains electrickery means a full shut-down by torchlight as you don't want the incoming mains and the Genny juice to ever meet up anywhere.
We have a gas hob so boiling water is not a problem.
I thought this was a reasonable "emergency" plan.
Sounds like I was being too timid then!
Sounds like I was being too timid then!
No, I think it will work just fine with the Genny outside and a cable run into the house with a plug on it exporting the genny power to the house Bus-bar via the ring-main socket.
This would allow lights to work all over the house (mostly LED/CFL) and a minimum or equipment for basic necessities (CH boiler fan, programmer/pump etc.) but nothing else.
When it is obvious the power has been restored it is a shut-down (gene off, cable out) and a reset of the main consumer unit breaker. Back to BAU. :D
Sh!t mate.:(:(:(
Still once you know, you know, which is better than worrying what it might be.
Not saying for a moment that what you know is good, as it isn't. But at least there'll be prognosis, treatment plan etc etc.
So crossed fingers for all that is to come. ;)
Very best of luck mate. and again.
Commiserations. :(:(:(
There's no treatment though, just blood thinners and hope it doesn't happen again, keep the stress down etc.
Main thing is I'm 'back to normal', side from the stress and anxiety.
I survived the key 6 months after a stroke without any blood thinners, so i have to be optimistic
Righto, consultant said the consensus is I've had a stroke so I'm now a fully fledged member of the meds4life club. While raft of heart tests still to come. At least I'm still getting older! Still able to annoy you lot.
Main thing now is to deal with the stress and anxiety. Couldn't walk to the end of the street yesterday
Only "liked" cos of roolz. :(
Positives are that you are still here to pi$$ & moan about the vagaries of Land Rover engineering, and the quacks will soon sort you out a meds plan that will have your insides rattling like a set of Maracas in the hands of a bloke with St. Vitus dance. :)
I am sure your medical mob will come up with a recovery and rehab plan for you. Sadly, it may not include "oiled-up" lap-dancers or ladies offering a "soapy-t1t-w@nk". But maybe if you go private? ;)
Keep smiling, you are still above ground. :D
There's no treatment though, just blood thinners and hope it doesn't happen again, keep the stress down etc.
Main thing is I'm 'back to normal', side from the stress and anxiety.
I survived the key 6 months after a stroke without any blood thinners, so i have to be optimistic
Sorry to hear there is no treatment, as such, just the preventative stuff.
As you say, if you survived 6 months on nothing that has to be positive now you are on the thinners.
All the best, and "one day at a time" eh? Mate!:):):)
Final preparations are underway in Cornwall for the first space launch from UK soil. Virgin Orbit’s modified Boeing 747, called Cosmic Girl, will take off from Spaceport Cornwall to deploy a rocket mid-air for launch into low Earth orbit within weeks. The window opens on October 29, but the team is aiming for take-off within the first half of November. The rocket will be carrying eight shoebox-sized satellites, which will perform a variety of tasks for customers including Oman and the US and UK militaries. “They are all doing lots of different things,” said Melissa Thorpe, chief executive of Spaceport Cornwall.


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