If the moon's out that means it's night time

Ahhhhh we special here you know:p:rolleyes:
We can get both :)


Sun is just waving good bye for the day:)
Hope for another sunny day tomorrow.

Bit deflated. Fancied an mx5 to tootle about in and
A) entertain swmbo
B) keep the miles off me tratter (more importantly)
Got a lead to a friend of a friend. Got a call from friend one this morning. 'tyres are a bit flat, they expect you'll want to take it out and will call later'. Got excited, new car come tea time, they'll be giving it a polish, right..?
Bumped into friend two at the shops. "funny meeting you here, thought you'd be on the foot pump? ' erm, no.
Turns out, after a year trying to shift it, they're thinking of 'keeping it for the summer'.. Not polished, tyres still flat, not even a call to explain.. Flakey fukkers. :mad::oops:
Bit deflated. Fancied an mx5 to tootle about in and
A) entertain swmbo
B) keep the miles off me tratter (more importantly)
Got a lead to a friend of a friend. Got a call from friend one this morning. 'tyres are a bit flat, they expect you'll want to take it out and will call later'. Got excited, new car come tea time, they'll be giving it a polish, right..?
Bumped into friend two at the shops. "funny meeting you here, thought you'd be on the foot pump? ' erm, no.
Turns out, after a year trying to shift it, they're thinking of 'keeping it for the summer'.. Not polished, tyres still flat, not even a call to explain.. Flakey fukkers. :mad::oops:
Av yer thought about buying a Freelander. Yer can pick em up cheap these days. They got eaters anorl.

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