Bikes, soapbox carts with pram wheels, home-made gunpowder, dens in the wood, fishing with bent-pin rigs and brandlings, damming streams. Would go back in a microsecond.
I add to make me own go kart with rope ont front to pull it. Found bottom arf of a pram and borrowed wheels. It were a copy of me friends. His dad made his the
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I add to make me own go kart with rope ont front to pull it. Found bottom arf of a pram and borrowed wheels. It were a copy of me friends. His dad made his the bastid
Thems carts what yer made yerself wuz best. took pram wheels up ter the forge up road and them dear old boys'd do anything yer needed, shorten axle, take out bends, weld on eyes fer fixin rope steerin, all sorts. bet it don't appen now.
Me go kart were a length of 3x2 down the middle from me granddad's ole shelving unit int garage which were no longer needed. It were bout 3 foot long. An another at 90 degrees at the back under it 12 inch long. Same at front wiv a bolt through so it turned. Bit er ply fer a seat at the rear bout 12x20inch nailed ont main bit down middle.

One day coming ome int car me dad spotted pram metal bits ont grass ont side of road. We got ome an got out car an ah were told to go and get it. Ah legged it round 300 yards and got it. Been wondering where I'd get me wheels from fer a while. He kept saying weed find em.

Ah cut through metal bits so add pram wheels in axles x2 only. Put them under the wood bits at 90 degrees front/rear and nailed em on wiv nails where the last bit is ammered over the axle to keep it on. Nails ont each side of axle bent over like. We dint av u shape nails so add ter make do.

Add a rope fer steerin. Held by nails either side of front wood bit.

Never used it much but it were still the nuts. Ah sprayed it white with one of them there spray cans which add no paint left. It were more like white wash.
Me go kart were a length of 3x2 down the middle from me granddad's ole shelving unit int garage which were no longer needed. It were bout 3 foot long. An another at 90 degrees at the back under it 12 inch long. Same at front wiv a bolt through so it turned. Bit er ply fer a seat at the rear bout 12x20inch nailed ont main bit down middle.

One day coming ome int car me dad spotted pram metal bits ont grass ont side of road. We got ome an got out car an ah were told to go and get it. Ah legged it round 300 yards and got it. Been wondering where I'd get me wheels from fer a while. He kept saying weed find em.

Ah cut through metal bits so add pram wheels in axles x2 only. Put them under the wood bits at 90 degrees front/rear and nailed em on wiv nails where the last bit is ammered over the axle to keep it on. Nails ont each side of axle bent over like. We dint av u shape nails so add ter make do.

Add a rope fer steerin. Held by nails either side of front wood bit.

Never used it much but it were still the nuts. Ah sprayed it white with one of them there spray cans which add no paint left. It were more like white wash.
An' best thing were never cost a penny frum start ter finnish. An us bets us'd have more fun than might with Xbox (whativer that be).
Ah cut through metal bits so add pram wheels in axles x2 only. Put them under the wood bits at 90 degrees front/rear and nailed em on wiv nails where the last bit is ammered over the axle to keep it on. Nails ont each side of axle bent over like. We dint av u shape nails so add ter make do.!

I've still go the scar on the side of my leg where one of these bent-over nails stuck in.
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Me kart were built like a tratter. Was as fast as a tratter down the short bit of path we had with a slope. Steered like a tratter anorl.

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