Mornin, luvverly peeps.
Dottirs tyres
See the Womble about some slates
Try and get the diff lock switch to work
Radio is reporting snow related deaths in Bulgaria and Germany. :eek:
You guys ok?

@Turktowner . Thank you, but we are fine. It’s a bright sunny crisp day outside today and the last round of snow has gone. We are on the east side and at the moment seem to be getting off lightly. Different story in the west of the country at the moment. But they want it as that’s the skiing areas.
But yes it can take it’s toll on the older population when it is extra bad, which I believe some areas including other countries are really getting hit hard this year.

Thanks again.:)

M & J
Tryin' to get thru to our broadband provider ... go thru the options ... there is a queue ... wait listening to musak .... a ooman answers ... give name and account deets ... the handset batteries are flat cos I's been waiting too long ........... and the phone goes deaded .......:mad::mad:
I had a call int week from ma ippo's insurance. They bin after me fer a while to pester me to bought some more options from em. Wood yer believe it eye is never int. This time I wur. After the initial welcome he wanted me to answer security info. Name, address and date of birth. So I ses Lord Hippopotamus of Landyzone. Then asked him fer ma ippo's registration plate as proof it wur them. Ah knew it were real so wanted to play wiv em. He said he can't give it under potata protection act un their security dun't allow it. Ah sed snap. Me anorl. Ah ses ah can't continue with this ere call as ah dun't know if it's me yer really talking to if yer dun't confirm it. It were you that rang'd me yer x. We both said bye and call ended.
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