If you want any help/advice there are quite a few of us on here, although the ones who have moved over most recently and live here permanently might know stuff we don't.Not putting me off
Ive have been taking note of all the hassle you've had, misses is thinking of moving permanently
feckn just got my planning for my garage. I can renovate a place myself probably do it quite
quick if all the materials are on site. She hates the winters here cause she feels the cold.
I like the winter...scrapping the ice off the inside of the landy, working outside when you cant feel
yer digits. Cant wait
The only hassle we have had recently has all been down to Brexit, but we are feeling our way around it and can see how you/we could do it. Our son who is married to a Japanese lady lives here full time with her and his two kids.
Our main reason for getting our place was also that Wifey cannot stand the dodgyness of British summers and we don't even live in the frozen North like what you do!
PM me if you feel the need!