Just riding it until I get my chop on the road, now that will be loud


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He's right.
Can't say I'd agree with all of his tactics but if the Head runs a tight ship results improve and kids become better behaved to each other as well as to staff. So, once established, there is no need for outlandish discipline.
The school I retired from had been recently run by a right tosser who allowed the kids to get away with murder but bullied the staff, to the extent that he got rid of those he didn't like for absolutely no good reason at all. The school at which he had formerly been a Head said it took them 5 years to get the school back to where it had been before he came along.
So the staff left in droves.
Just before I retired a Head came along who was a bit better but the then left and other took over who employed a really tough Deputy Head who had been in tough schools in London before. she really got the place sorted out AND the parents on her side.
You can't teach a class if you can't control it.
And you can't control it without support, at the end of the day, from senior management.
I didn't have many problems but then I would go further than many staff, for instance locking the classroom door with my self inside it, in front of the door. All kids push boundaries, you just have to set them and stick to them. ;)
Take a breath Stan:).

This guy seems to suggest to me its not the whole liner but a small part of it held with 3 screws:eek:.
Now as I dont know the d2 or any off its layout, any advise is not mine and I will blame someone else:p:D.

www.discovery2.co.uk / Gearbox Oil Cooler Pipes.

Having done the job and put both the liner and the inspection pack back on I'd say.....
You have to take both off. You totally cannot even see it with the inspection hatch on but you need the room that the removal of the liner gives you. ;)
Just the 1 side? Original? you have a problem:p:D.

Pass is a pass:).

TBF, my BIL's approach is "we don't go looking for TROUBLE, these are peoples means of getting to work and feeding their families".
If there was anything truly amiss he wouldn't pass it, but if he shows no advisory's ever then his work might get called into question.
I asked if it was serious and he said, no, you've a fair way to go yet.
One of our maths teachers was a dab-hand at chalk and chalkboard rubber chucking. Bloody hurt too!
I once bounced a bit of chalk off a kid's head and it ended up stuck in a ceiling tile.
The kids weed themselves laughing, including the kid whose head it bounced off!
(Lucky shot, could never replicate it!)
I was in a Greg Davies gig once and he asked the audience if there were any teachers there as he had been a teacher and told some hilarious stories about it. So i shouted out "Yes" we had quite a good convo about it, peeps were astounded anyone could teach French for 30 years.
Anyway, after the interval he came back on and shouted my name out, "You still here?" "Yep" says I
"I've been talking to one of you ex-students and he said you used to chuck chalk" silence "Legend!"
Felt quite pleased with that!!!!:D:D:D
TBF, my BIL's approach is "we don't go looking for TROUBLE, these are peoples means of getting to work and feeding their families".
If there was anything truly amiss he wouldn't pass it, but if he shows no advisory's ever then his work might get called into question.
I asked if it was serious and he said, no, you've a fair way to go yet.

I used to MOT my cars at my Dads garage, Hard or what Bastids;)


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