So frustrated I am actually shaking with fury.:mad:
Went to do this wretched "change the ATF sensor/temp switch" thing.
Read up on it, all say "the thing is plugged in near the top of the rad."
Can I see it? (The plug I mean). Can I feck!
And some clever cunthooks on another forum says you can change it through the offside wheel arch.
"It's easy only took me 30 mins"
Again, OH YEAH!?
Never having taken off the wheel arch cover, and already fuming that LR fitted such a thing as it couldn't be bovvad to make the wheel arch out of thick, properly protected steel to NOT NEED one of these fecking things. It looks like I need to take out the Battery, the ECM, etc etc just to get to the nuts and bolts to get it off. And even then I am not convinced some beggar isn't having me on.
I will have to search "Taking the ffing wheel arch cover off a feckin TD5 Disco 2" and see what comes up.

Rant over!
Have a good day folks!
I've found a thing on Rave how to remove a front wheel arch liner, thing, but I did that already to sort out a problem with the foglight and A it wouldn't come completely out without me removing the Batt cos the screws/bolts is well rusted in. B didn't see owt to do with the blessed ATF sensor.
Guess wot its rainin again ffs cant be taking my nice tools out to get wet wet wet :mad::)

Wishin you is lucky?
Still on this fecking job!
The wheel arch holdery nut thing is in fact screwed onto a long bar that the batt clamp is screwed on to. This is the fecker that will not undo. Stupid little 10 mm nut.
i have had a 4 nut locknut on top of the bar and wifey holdin onto it with a spanner while I try to undo the fecker in the wheel arch. Can't get a junior hacksaw to it without taking the wheel off, which i really don't want to do, and even then it's so small what can i hold it with? i don't have my really narrow mole grips here. don't have a gas gun so I can't heat it, any anyway it is too near to plastic etc for me to want to do it. It laughs at WD etc. I don't want to saw the end of the long bar off as if I do I may not have enough to put it all back together again and that would mean obtaining 6mm threaded bar which I really don't want to have to do.
The other end of the bracket that this nut is on is also impossible to come off without sawing.
So giving up on not taking the wheel off. I've given it one last spray with the WD. If we can't get it off then wheel off and cut it off.
And no the bar won't screw down and out of the wheel arch, the hole it sits in is deliberately too small to allow the non-threaded part of the bar to pass through, else I'd have done that.
I suppose I could just hit the bar downwards with an ammer, but i tend not to work like that!
How many jobs that get difficult do we find on here that are due to rusted up nuts and bolts, eh?
Still on this fecking job!
The wheel arch holdery nut thing is in fact screwed onto a long bar that the batt clamp is screwed on to. This is the fecker that will not undo. Stupid little 10 mm nut.
i have had a 4 nut locknut on top of the bar and wifey holdin onto it with a spanner while I try to undo the fecker in the wheel arch. Can't get a junior hacksaw to it without taking the wheel off, which i really don't want to do, and even then it's so small what can i hold it with? i don't have my really narrow mole grips here. don't have a gas gun so I can't heat it, any anyway it is too near to plastic etc for me to want to do it. It laughs at WD etc. I don't want to saw the end of the long bar off as if I do I may not have enough to put it all back together again and that would mean obtaining 6mm threaded bar which I really don't want to have to do.
The other end of the bracket that this nut is on is also impossible to come off without sawing.
So giving up on not taking the wheel off. I've given it one last spray with the WD. If we can't get it off then wheel off and cut it off.
And no the bar won't screw down and out of the wheel arch, the hole it sits in is deliberately too small to allow the non-threaded part of the bar to pass through, else I'd have done that.
I suppose I could just hit the bar downwards with an ammer, but i tend not to work like that!
How many jobs that get difficult do we find on here that are due to rusted up nuts and bolts, eh?

Take a breath Stan:).

This guy seems to suggest to me its not the whole liner but a small part of it held with 3 screws:eek:.
Now as I dont know the d2 or any off its layout, any advise is not mine and I will blame someone else:p:D. / Gearbox Oil Cooler Pipes.

Take a breath Stan:).

This guy seems to suggest to me its not the whole liner but a small part of it held with 3 screws:eek:.
Now as I dont know the d2 or any off its layout, any advise is not mine and I will blame someone else:p:D. / Gearbox Oil Cooler Pipes.

you may well be right.
I'll give it a look see, I didn't think it'd be big enough to give me enough room to do it, but if it does I'll be a happy chap!
I have removed it in the past to do some "stitch in time" preventative maintenance on all the pipes and wires/conduit, which rub like feck if not attended to. Did the same on tother side too, so it should come off.
Take a breath Stan:).

This guy seems to suggest to me its not the whole liner but a small part of it held with 3 screws:eek:.
Now as I dont know the d2 or any off its layout, any advise is not mine and I will blame someone else:p:D. / Gearbox Oil Cooler Pipes.

Well I am pleased to say this is right!
In fact, having struggled like feck to remove the under wheel arch panel. And then the inspection panel as mentioned, I was able to swap the old sensor out. This all took an insane amount of time, sweat and swearing. i even employed Wifey who was good enough to hold on to a 4 nut lock nut so that I could eventually undo the nut at the bottom of the partly threaded bar.
I then still had to just wrench off the under wheel arch panel as the final fitting was undoable unless I ground it off.
The swap was easy except for one thing. there was very little room under there and once the old one came out I stuck a finger in the ole to stop ATF flowing out while I readied the noo one.
But when I came to fit it the ATF that inevitably ran over it rendered it so feckin slippery that I couldn't grip it well enough to start it in the ole. AND the washer managed to slip off it and ended up in a bit of dirt on top of the chassis.
So one step back, finger back in ole and rethink. With my finger in the ole all the time.
Eventually removed glove, cleaned and dried everything off, one handed, and had another go. This time the thread bit and after about 3/4 of a turn the drips stopped. The connector that is supposed to be on a bracket, wasn't, and still isn't but it is connected.
I then set about trying to remove the offending connector off the panel but gave up when W shouted me in.
So tools away, shower then dins!
Sosses, mash and peas! Loverly!!!
I'll finish it off tomoz!
Hope the rest of you had good days.
enjoy the rest of the evening!
Well I am pleased to say this is right!
In fact, having struggled like feck to remove the under wheel arch panel. And then the inspection panel as mentioned, I was able to swap the old sensor out. This all took an insane amount of time, sweat and swearing. i even employed Wifey who was good enough to hold on to a 4 nut lock nut so that I could eventually undo the nut at the bottom of the partly threaded bar.
I then still had to just wrench off the under wheel arch panel as the final fitting was undoable unless I ground it off.
The swap was easy except for one thing. there was very little room under there and once the old one came out I stuck a finger in the ole to stop ATF flowing out while I readied the noo one.
But when I came to fit it the ATF that inevitably ran over it rendered it so feckin slippery that I couldn't grip it well enough to start it in the ole. AND the washer managed to slip off it and ended up in a bit of dirt on top of the chassis.
So one step back, finger back in ole and rethink. With my finger in the ole all the time.
Eventually removed glove, cleaned and dried everything off, one handed, and had another go. This time the thread bit and after about 3/4 of a turn the drips stopped. The connector that is supposed to be on a bracket, wasn't, and still isn't but it is connected.
I then set about trying to remove the offending connector off the panel but gave up when W shouted me in.
So tools away, shower then dins!
Sosses, mash and peas! Loverly!!!
I'll finish it off tomoz!
Hope the rest of you had good days.
enjoy the rest of the evening!
Don't you just love it when you have to slip your finger into a well-lubricated hole for a while and just think about things though?

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