Well disco all back up and running but something surreal is happening.
Yesterday I lost the sensor I took off. I wanted to keep it to test it.
Hunted high and low for it couldn't find it.
This morning went outside and found it lurking just under a rolled up tarp which was near the front of the Disco.
Spent a part of the day cleaning up, freeing off and copaslipping the fasteners before putting all the covers, inspection hatches and wheel arch liner on. Took the other wheel off to check both sets of pads, both look like brand new.
Wheels back on, off jack and put tools in back to finally put properly away tomorrow.
Went to find the old sensor.
Couldn't find it AGAIN.
Searched absolutely high and low for the feckin thing. Wifey helped too.
How can I lose the same bloody thing twice in 24 hours?????
I am beginning to wonder if a dog thinks it is a mouse or something and has taken it away and buried it.:rolleyes:
Maybe tomozz I'll find it again.
Sleep well folks!
In the twilight zone!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Everyone havin a lay in today o_O Get up its nice oot doors :cool:

Some feckn git had a hedge cutter revin its nuts off first thing this mornin. :mad:
Stopped now tho. :):)
All this stuff about putting sugar in petrol tanks to stop other peeps motors running. I read somewhere that it don't work, apparently the only thing that would work is putting bleach in.:eek::eek::eek::eek:
(Just thinking wot @kevstar could put in his neighbours hedge cutter!);););)

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