When you get directions from a car driver…
Off through the countryside on a better route. Into the woods again today
A lovely sunny day 'ere with hardly a cloud in the sky. :)
@kevstar - shimmy got 'imself a woman and seems to have to demoted us to bottom of the list. :(
I glad to read that some of you are finally getting some rain but I do hope it is the 'right' rain ... and that you enjoy it. :)
Well, well-done him. :)
We are getting a proper decent wetting, just right.
A lovely sunny day 'ere with hardly a cloud in the sky. :)
@kevstar - shimmy got 'imself a woman and seems to have demoted us to bottom of the list. :(
I glad to read that some of you are finally getting some rain but I do hope it is the 'right' rain ... and that you enjoy it. :)

Oh yer I do recall him getting a noo biker boyfriend he'll be back at some point I imagine. :)

Been raining here for days, where I was using the machines turned into a boggy mess o_O
Suns oot now though hopefully I can make there garden look a bit better today lol :D
But was she a half baked dish or a fully toasted dog???;)
We's decent to the peeps who are decent to us. We want to go back there. Even his olive oil wins prizes and he gave us a case of that for free. Costs more per bot than many bots of wine.
If i'm half baked I hope i have been marinaded in a good bot of red first!!!:D:D:D:D

Half roasted pig :D
Well two days of "storm warnings" so tinternet has been on and off like a whore's drawers. Which is why i hain't been on much.
anyway, yessdi was good, got up late-ish off to dins at our friends', the bloke who recently had heart work. Poor bugger just swept the area we would be sitting out in and had to go to bed. He got up to join us for dins then about 3 hours later had to go back to bed again. Such a shame this ticker business. :(
Looks like we'll be getting car parts for him in the UK.
He's got a Mitsibushi little thing with a hard top that retracts into the boot. Can't do it unless the rear windows go down a bit. One stopped working so he took it to bits, a plastic sliding runner thing. Eventually he found one and had to pay duty on it. Gave it to a garage to fit, cost him a packet. The mech tested it, it was fine, next morning the mech went to move it out of the garage, tested the roof and ....... the same part bust on the other side! So he is totally fed up and of course cannot work on cars at the mo. so we offered to get him the bit and bring it over when we come, then I@ll fit it for him, unless he is well enough. (They are off soon to Dutchland then Baliland for the winter so they won't be needing the car anyway. at least not to take the roof back!)
But they only made the car for 3 years so spares are like rockin horse poop. And this buggre in the UK has a monopoly on them and is charging like feck.:mad::mad::mad:

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